Annual Report 2017-2018: Big Data SIG
- 2024-07-17
The activities of the SIG during the past 12 months can be summarized into three main areas of activity: Keeping abreast...
Explore IFLA Standards, key publications, and core documents and more! All Resources are drawn from our ever-expanding institutional repository.
The activities of the SIG during the past 12 months can be summarized into three main areas of activity: Keeping abreast...
Objectives of Professional Unit 2017-18: 1. Contribute to the knowledgebase in IFLA that will enable librarians to assi...
Objectives of Professional Unit 2018-19: 1. Contribute to the knowledgebase in IFLA that will enable librarians to assi...
Action plan includes projects on AI, Preservation and Conservation, Cybersecurity, Digital Humanities, Openbadges, Digit...
We held two successful AI Satellite meetings, the most recent one happening as a joint mid-term meeting in Singapore in ...
Welcome and presentations / Standing committee matters / Plans for WLIC2023 / AI Symposium South Africa / AI Symposium C...
This is a thematic issue with several articles about agile project management methodology in libraries. There is also a ...
Milner Library and Circus World at Illinois State University, and the John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art, hold the la...
Review of a conference co-organised by the IFLA Information Technology (IT) Section, the Big Data Special Interest Group...
The January 2023 issue of TILT newsletter collects international articles about natural language processing, topic model...
Feedback on WLIC satellites and sessions. Plans for next year (mid-term satellite and conference sessions).
Specific news : Appointment of mentor May Chang, AI SIG formation meeting 16/6/2022 – Andrew Cox as coordinator. Secti...
Creation and sponsoring of an AI SIG; Big Data SIG continuation; organization and co-organization of several satellite m...
Accomplished formation of new AI SIG. Held several sessions at Congress (Agile in Library, Big Data, AI...). Continued w...
Update on standing committee members, on sponsored SIGs. Preview of IT related session within WLIC 2022. Reports on acti...
Online networked data research repositories allow sharing and archiving of research data for open science and global re...
As catalogers begin to integrate linked data descriptions into large-scale discovery graphs through RDF editors, interve...
IT section update; Big Data SIG update; AI SIG creation; WLIC2022 open sessions and satellite meetings organization; com...
Big Data special issue