With a growing generation of people relying on the internet for learning, entertainment and socializing, it’s crucial to cultivate their capacity to ask critical questions about how technology impacts their lives, their communities and the planet.
But how can educators help adults and young people understand and navigate the digital world confidently? Everywhere, All the Time is a creative and playful digital literacy intervention, aiming to do just that.


Educators working with young people will find “Everywhere, All the Time”  helpful in fostering critical conversations about technology, AI and their impacts. Developed by Tactical Tech’s youth initiative What the Future Wants, this learning experience equips individuals with a set of engaging and innovative digital literacy resources and methods that can be used in both formal and informal learning environments.

Co-developed with 300 individuals and 100 educators worldwide, these resources assist facilitators in guiding people to explore crucial topics, including basic understanding of AI, the hidden labor behind technology, recognizing the attention-grabbing designs behind popular games, and learning about the physical infrastructures that power the Internet, among many other topics.

Everywhere, All the Time”  uses practical examples, simple and familiar language, and engaging visuals, making it an accessible interactive experience that resonates with people from all ages. By utilizing these resources, educators can create a unique space where people can reflect on their relationship with technology while examining how tech and invisible systems like algorithms shape their lives and relationships.

Individuals can also increase their confidence by actively adopting better digital privacy and well-being habits. The intervention is designed to serve as a learning platform for meaningful exploration and discussion and a place for inspiration that encourages people, educators and librarians to take action and shape the digital world they want to live in.

Library engagement in these types of initiatives is instrumental in addressing the digital divide and in shaping policies that promote digital inclusion, well-being and responsible Internet usage among people and youth.