Title Bibliografija Srbije – Bibliography of Serbia
Web site address http://nb.rs/pages/article.php?id=1384 
Start date New books, brochures and printed music, serials, articles in serials since 1950.
Books – translations from 1969
Official publications from 1971
Roto-press and cartoons from 1971
Period covered

Printed edition 1950-2002, Yugoslav Bibliographic and Information Institute (YUBIN) – Yugoslav bibliography
Printed edition 2002-2005 National Library of Serbia (NLS) – Bibliography of Serbia
Online edition from 2005 to date – National Library of Serbia
Printed and CD editions on demand – Bibliography of Serbia
First bibliography of Serbia, 1768 – “Report on scientific works”.
After: “Bibliography of Serbian books and new books in other languages that are related to the Serbian people”,  for years 1847, 1857, 1858, 1859; “Lists of books and periodicals of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes” every month from the year 1926; “Yugoslav Bibliographic Annual Directory” for 1933; “The Herald of bookstores” from 1935 to 1940; “Bibliography of Serbia 1947-1948” published by the Government of Serbia; “Bibliography of Yugoslavia 1945-1949” published by the Government of Yugoslavia.Retrospective bibliographies: “Serbian bibliography for new literature 1741-1867” by Djura Danicic; “Serbian bibliography of the XVIII century” by Georgije Mihailovic; “Catalogue of books in languages of Yugoslav nations: 1868-1972” by NLS; “Catalogue of books in languages of Yugoslav nations: 1519-1867” by NLS; “Serbian retrospective bibliography. Books. 1801-1867” by NLS; “Serbian retrospective bibliography: Books 1868-1944” by NLS.

Current size Serbian Union catalogue contains 2,3 million of bibliographic records
National bibliography has about 1,5 million of bibliographic records
Media covered books, serials, newspapers, government publication;
Non-Print Material, such as music, audiovisual works, postcards, cartographic material, posters, photos, audio and video tapes, CDs, CD-ROMs, DVDs, software, computer games; 
online and Internet editions – Serbian scientific journals and articles.
General selection criteria Territorial – current Serbian publishing production received by legal deposit.
National – “Serbica” – works in different media about Serbia published abroad in other languages, or in Serbian published abroad, or translations from Serbian language acquired by purchase, donation and international exchange in the NLS.
Selection criteria for digital resources Online and Internet editions – mostly Serbian scientific journals and articles, not yet web sites of different institutions, but it is in plan.
Exclusions policies applied Movies on tapes reels which are collected by Yugoslav Film Archive (Cinemateque) and broadcast material which is collected by Radio and Television of Serbia.
Primary organisation responsible for national bibliographic control National library of Serbia www.nb.rs.   National Library of Serbia is the Agency for publishers – it is creating CIP (Cataloguing in Publication) from 1986.
Web site address of national bibliographic agency Bibliography of Serbia is included in the Serbian Union Catalogue, but it exists also as a separate database. Direct access to current Bibliography: http://nb.rs/pages/article.php?id=1384
Co-operative structures or  relationships supporting the production of the national bibliography According to the “Law on cultural goods” (1994) and the “Law on publishing production” (1994, 2003) the National Library of Serbia is charged for legal deposit together with the Library of Matica srpska from Novi Sad which is collecting the legal deposit from the region of Voivodina.
NLS is creating CIP (Cataloguing in Publication) for Serbia and Library of Matica srpska from Novi Sad for the region of Voivodina.
NLS is charged for issuing the international standard numbers – ISBN, ISSN, ISMN, ISAN (International Standard Number for Audio Visual Material), DOI (Digital Object Identifier) for articles in Serbian scientific journals.
Yugoslav Bibliographic and Information Institute (YUBIN) as the National Bibliographic Agency for former Yugoslavia was charged for the “Bibliography of Yugoslavia” from 1950 to 2002, for ISBN from 1984 and for ISSN from 1975.
The NLS is charged by the Law on Publishing Production for “Bibliography of Serbia” from 2003, ISBN is introduced in the NLS from 2004, ISSN from 2003, ISMN from 2003, DOI from 2005 and ISAN from 2008.
The NLS is publishing the “Bibliography of Serbia” for the whole territory of Serbia and Bibliography “Serbica” and the Library of Matica srpska is publishing the “Bibliography of Voivodina”.
Single integrated or multiple categorised bibliographies

Bibliography of Serbia includes different series:
  Monographic Publications (four issues annually and cumulative bibliography at the end of the year)
  Monographic Publications: Translations (annually)
  Monographic Publications: Official publications (annually)
  Non-book materials (annually)
  Serial Publications (annually)
  Serial Publications: Official publications (annually)
  Articles and supplements within serial publications (annually):
A) Series A. Social sciences,
B) Series B. Natural, medical, technical sciences and applied art,
C) Series C. Art, sport, philology, literature
  Bibliography “Serbica” (annually) (all publication in Serbian or about Serbia published abroad and acquired by the NLS):
    A) Monographic publications,
    B) Serials
    C) Non-book materials

Sources of bibliographic metadata used to produce national bibliography Data is created in-house. Records are first created in the Serbian Union Catalogue (http://www.vbs.rs/cobiss/), and then are extracted to be published in the National bibliography for which the special database is created (http://nb.rs/pages/article.php?id=1384). Each part of the national bibliography (for each type of material) has its own arrangement and indexes.  
Relationship to national legal deposit legislation or voluntary deposit arrangements All material included in the Bibliography of Serbia is received by NLS under national legal deposit arrangements, except for material for Bibliography “Serbica” (all publication in Serbian or about Serbia published abroad)  which is acquired in the NLS by purchase, donation and international exchange of publications.
Relationship to national Cataloguing in Publication (CIP) programme NLS is creating CIP (Cataloguing in Publication) for Serbia and Library of Matica srpska from Novi Sad for the region of Voivodina from 1986.
Media & format options The Bibliography of Serbia is accessible online as a separate databases for different series http://nb.rs/pages/article.php?id=1384   
Access options to national bibliographic metadata Bibliographic records from the Bibliography of Serbia are also accessible through Web version of the Serbian Union catalogue in different formats: COMARC (a form of UNIMARC), user’s short records, user’s full records, card form and very short format.
Users can also export records from the Serbian Union Catalogue in other different formats: MARC 21, Dublin Core and MODS and in different types – XML, TXT, and ISO 2709.
There are criteria defined in this catalogue to limit the search to the national bibliography records.Records can be downloaded free of charge.
Z39.50 transfer of records is created for The European Library central index and the NLS is working now on the OAI- PMH transfer of records also for the European Library project. For the moment the OAI-PMH harvesting is available only for digital collections of the NLS. 
Metadata enhancements offered via online services Table of contents, location and holdings in different Serbian libraries, number of copies, selecting and collecting of records in cart, ordering for interlibrary loan, listing of records by titles, authors, year of publishing – ascending and descending.
Web 2.0 services offered Not yet offered
Frequency of service updates

Daily in the Serbian Union Catalogue, but Bibliography of Serbia as the separate database according to the following frequency:
Monographic Publications (four issues annually and cumulative bibliography at the end of the year)
 Monographic Publications: Translations (annually)
 Monographic Publications: Official publications (annually)
 Non-book materials (annually)
 Serial Publications (annually)
 Serial Publications: Official publications (annually)
 Articles and supplements within serial publications (annually):
  A) Series A. Social sciences,
B) Series B. Natural, medical, technical sciences and applied art,
  C) Series C. Art, sport, philology, literature;
 Bibliography “Serbica” (annually) (all publication in Serbian or about Serbia published abroad and acquired by the NLS):
  A) Monographic publications,           
B) Serials,
  C) Non-book materials.

Target audiences for services Academic/public/special/school libraries, publishers, booksellers, general public, database providers, domestic and foreign researchers, European and international projects
Uses made of  services offered Advance notification of publications – CIP, reclamation to publishers, derived cataloguing, retrospective conversion, selection and acquisition, exchange of records, control of quality, updating for other libraries in the system.
Pricing policy for national bibliographic services Free of charge for online access.
Printed and CD editions on demand according to the price list.
Free of charge for exchange of bibliographic records in the network of libraries COBISS.NET for following countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Montenegro, Slovenia and Serbia.
Availability of metadata for re-use All national bibliographic metadata is released into the public domain without restriction, as it is financed by the State.
Metadata formats COMARC – a form of UNIMARC
Cataloguing code National cataloguing rules fully compatible with ISBD
Levels of description offered Complete ISBD
Subject standards UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) and for Subject headings National Standards compatible with LCSH.
Name authority standards National Name Authority standards.
Is NBA affiliated to IFLA SC? Yes, NLS has representatives in Standing Committees of the Section for Statistics and Evaluation and of the Section for Audiovisual and Multimedia. NLS is the member of different IFLA sections: National Libraries, Cataloguing, Acquisition and Collection Development, Preservation and Conservation, Information Technology, Statistics and Evaluation, Education and Training, Management and Marketing, Audiovisual and Multimedia…