Theme: Libraries on the Agenda

"Libraries on the agenda!" was the motto of IFLA's President from 2007-2009, Prof. Dr. Claudia Lux.

During her presidency the top priority was to have the concerns and needs of libraries put on the agenda of governments and local policy makers.

In an interview published in the library journal "Forum Biliothek und Information" (2005), Hft.11/12, p.722 titled "We have to sit at the table of political decision makers", she talked about her presidency's plans, list of priorities and wishes.

At a pre-conference to her presidency at the IFLA conference in Seoul in August 2006 she introduced her presidency's motto with a kick off paper.


During the German IFLA presidential term, the German IFLA national committee, supported by the German Foreign Office and the Goethe Institut, held an international conference series entitled "Free Access to Information".

Three conferences of the series were scheduled for the German IFLA presidential term 2007, 2008 and 2009:

Third International Meeting

19-20 February 2009
Berlin, Germany

Access to Knowledge Infrastructures: Networking through Libraries

Second International Meeting

21-22 February 2008
Berlin, Germany

Free access and digital divide – challenges for science and society in the digital age 

First International Meeting

18-19 January 2007
Berlin, Germany

Free Access to Information


President's Newsletter

The Letter of the President is distributed at least once a month providing an overview of some of the current activities of the IFLA President, President-elect, the Governing Board and the Headquarters. It contains LINKS for further consultation and will be sent to IFLA-L and all other mailing lists organised by IFLA. Concise (one page), with no illustrations or special layout, it should cause no reception problems.