
Two Past IFLA Presidents Participate in the 7th International Summit of the Book

The book retains its status as a symbol of the possibility to preserve and share knowledge, the foundation of our evolution and development. Libraries continue to focus on collecting and giving access to books, alongside other resources now, and have a key function in preserving historic texts for the future. This was the message at the 7th International Summit of the Book, held in Baku, Azerbaijan 18-19 March 2018, which two past IFLA Presidents helped open.

  • News
  • 11 April 2018
  • By: anonymous

7th International Summit of the Book

The 7th International Summit of the Book, held in Baku, Azerbaijan, continues a series of events focused on all aspects of books and their contribution to society. This edition focuses on learning, tolerance, dialogue and understanding, and includes speakers from around the world, many of whom are current or former leaders of their countries.

  • Events
  • 12 March 2018