eLending & eBook update – February 2018
E-Reolen – the Danish, national e-lending platform – Nordic library meeting in Copenhagen
Ppt with information on the business model, lending models, prices, numbers, among other aspects.
CB: E-bookafzet groeit minder hard
The article (in Dutch) shows that the trend in eBook lending and buying is similar, rather than one eating the other.
Prêt de livres numériques en bibliothèque : pourquoi PNB peine à convaincre (« Lending of e-books in libraries : why the PNB is not convincing »)
In France, the current system for the lending of digital works is based on a licensing system, that was suggested by publishers and is supported by the Ministry of Culture. The association of French Librarians (ABF) complains about the costs, often too high for certain cities/villages, and the impossibility for librarians to follow their own policy in the selection of works.
Council websites fall short on library e-lending
A survey showed that local authorities in Scotland and Wales fail to provide a good service in helping website visitors to sign up for e-resources, including e-books, e-magazines and other digital resources, from their library service.
Publishers at World Book Fair say e-books not eating into readership for physical books
Publishers say that readers still prefer physical books to e-books or audiobooks, and that the old medium is “strong and growing”.
Competition Bureau reaches settlement with HarperCollins in ebooks case
“The Competition Bureau says it has reached an agreement with publisher HarperCollins, which the agency expects will restore retail price competition for ebooks in Canada”.
2018 Book Publishing Predictions – Are Indie Authors Losing their Independence?
According to the author, the trends in 2018 will be similar to those in 2017. Looking at the past, although indie authors were gaining more control over the publishing of their works (even “democratizing” the publishing industry), things might be moving to “the end of the indie authorship”. Indies might have lost their independence due to a dominant marketplace.
Self-publishing News: Net Neutrality and You
A list of news from the week of December 19:
- The US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has voted to repeal the regulations that provided for what we all know as “net neutrality”
- The Society of Authors in the UK and the Authors Guild of America have also turned their gaze to the project
- A list of upcoming conferences and events
Amazon’s AbeBooks Gives eBooks the Boot
“Amazon is banning ebooks and digital content from its AbeBooks marketplace”, and stated that it would focus on selling physical books, art and collectibles. Amazon provided no reason for this change.
Deadline for submission of extended abstracts for full papers and other presentations is being extended to Jan. 31, 2018
International Conference on Electronic Publishing 2018 (ELPUB) Connecting the Knowledge Commons: From Projects to Sustainable Infrastructure June 22-24, 2018 University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.