107. Bibliothekartag – German Librarian’s Day
The first edition of the Deutscher Bibliothekartag (German Librarians’ Day) took place in Marburg in 1900. It has gone on to become the largest European librarian conference.
“Open and Connected” – Both the People and our Libraries. This is the motto of the 107th Deutscher Bibliothekartag in 2018.
The library community meets in Berlin, Germany. FaMIs, librarians and many other libraries, companies and partners of the libraries will be guests at the Estrel Hotel & Congress Center, which offers a fresh ambience and a newly renovated exhibition space.
For 2018, the organizers wish to offer not only a classic conference program, but also to promote self-reliance and new learning experiences. The successful hands-on labs will once again take place and other new forms of work environments are available. With an improved and more individualized range of facilities, the associations wish to create the appropriate working environment for new topics and projects.
The conference is organized by the Verein Deutscher Bibliothekarinnen und Bibliothekare e.V. (VDB) and the Berufsverband Information Bibliothek e.V. (BIB).
SOURCE: 107. Bibliothekartag