IFLA Global Vision Roadmap

IFLA is creating the biggest idea store for actions, a source of inspiration for all librarians and for IFLA in planning for the future. Through a series of workshops and an online platform we want to gather ideas from librarians from all over the world. These will allow us to identify how all regions and library types can play their part.

Following the IFLA President’s Meeting & Global Vision kick-off workshop in Barcelona, a second series of high-level meetings is being organised for 2018.  From April to July, six global regional workshops will take place in Latin America and the Caribbean, North America, Middle East and North Africa (MENA), Europe, Asia Oceania, and Africa.
IFLA is continuing its new series of regional workshops in Paris, France, from 14 – 16 May 2018 at the Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris. The workshops are a part of a larger initiative, the IFLA Global Vision discussion, which is engaging the library community in the development of a global vision for the future of libraries. Now in its second phase, we are asking the library field to build a vibrant 'ideas store' and explore how we can turn ideas into actions.

This interactive workshop will be hosted by IFLA President Glòria Pérez-Salmerón and Secretary General Gerald Leitner and will gather together senior representatives from all types of libraries in the European region. Together, they will explore the future of libraries and develop ways to tackle the challenges and opportunities that the library field will face. Participants will continue engagement by taking the discussion back to their own library communities.

Regional workshops will continue worldwide, with its next stop in Asia Oceania.

With your ideas, IFLA will create a strategy and action plans that will turn our vision into reality: a strong and united library field powering literate, informed and participative societies.