2018 IFLA International News Media Conference
As the world has seen increasing disasters that threaten entire communities, preservation of the identity of those communities as revealed through their newspapers becomes imperative. From earthquakes in Mexico to hurricanes and fires in the United States, to problems of publisher inability to manage large news archives, libraries can step in to assist communities with preservation solutions. Libraries can also save community and special-interest newspapers whose content has historically been underrepresented in mainstream circles. As news collections age, preservation solutions are increasingly pressing. Digital preservation, with infrastructure spread across multiple locations, offers many possibilities to assist communities under threat of natural disaster or to assist publishers in need of collection management solutions and to prevent loss of collection in the event of disasters.
This year, the International News Media Conference seeks proposals related to how digital preservation of news can help or has helped at-risk communities..
Deadline to submit proposal abstracts: 26 January 2018.
Click here for more details.