35th Annual International Pre-Conference of the Library and Research Services for Parliaments Section
22 - 23 August 2019
Hellenic Parliament, Parliament Building, Syntagma Square, Athens, Greece
Outline Agenda
Thursday 22nd August (Day 1)
- Arrive at Parliament Building & go through security (08:30-09:00)
- Registration (09:00-09:45)
- Introduction & welcome (10:00-10:30)
- Presentations from the Hellenic Parliament (11:00-13:30)
- ‘Family photo’ and guided tour of Hellenic Parliament (14:30-16:30)
- Lightning Talks by IFLAPARL members (16:45-17:45)
- Day 1 wrap-up (17:45-18:00)
Evening: Official Dinner (20:00 – 22:00)
Friday 23rd August (Day 2)
- Arrive at Parliament Building & go through security (08:30-09:00)
- Welcome (09:00-09:20)
- IFLAPARL Regional Updates (09:20-09:50)
- Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Update (09:50-10:00)
- Launch of Parliamentary Research & Library Service Ethics Checklist (10:00-11:00)
Workshops (11:30-13:30)
- Workshop 1a: Guidelines for Parliamentary Libraries
- Workshop 1b: Influence of the Digital Society on Parliaments
- Workshop 1c: Change Management
- Workshop 1d: Science and Innovation in Parliamentary Libraries and Research Services
Workshops (14:30-16:30)
- Workshop 2a: Guidelines for Parliamentary Libraries
- Workshop 2b: Influence of the Digital Society on Parliaments
- Workshop 2c: Change Management
- Workshop 2d: Science and Innovation in Parliamentary Libraries and Research Services
- Update on WLIC sessions of interest to members (16:30-17:00)
- Conclusion and closure of pre-conference (17:00-17:30)
Further information about the pre-conference, including the full programme, can be found here.