39th General Conference and Assembly of the Croatian Library Association
The aim of the 39th General Conference and Assembly of the Croatian Library Association is to review the current situation and try to determine the future directions of development of libraries and librarianship in Croatia from the perspective of new technological and social changes which affect library services and set new trends in librarianship.
Within the topic it will be possible to present and summarize experiences and results, start discussions and provide insight into the future of librarianship in Croatia as a cultural and public service, especially in regard to the strategic planning and funding of library activities, educational purposes, development of professional competences, the work of regional library associations and international cooperation.
IFLA President-Elect Donna Scheeder will be a keynote speaker on 15 October. She will speak on the subject of the IFLA Trend Report, discussing ideas on how certain aspects can be implemented in the region, at the national and local levels and will also talk about how the report impacts the profession and the education of librarians.