7th German Library Congress Leipzig 2019
Library und Information Germany (Bibliothek und Information Deutschland – BID), the umbrella organisation of German library associations, is organising the 7th German Library Congress in Leipzig (also the 108th Librarian's Day) from 18 to 21 March 2019 under the theme "Libraries for change ". The congress takes place in the Congress Centre in Leipzig, Germany.
IFLA President Glòria Pérez-Salmerón will participate in the Opening Ceremony and will speak at the ‘Podium of the Associations’ with a presentation on “Leading Libraries into the Future”
President Pérez-Salmerón will also be interviewed by IFLA Treasurer Barbara Lison, who also serves as Chair of the German Library Association, to talk about IFLA Global Vision and other IFLA projects.
Additional information: BID Congress