8th Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development
The 2021 edition of the Asia Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development provides an opportunity for countries across the region to exchange and support each other in their efforts to deliver on the UN 2030 Agenda.
There will be a particular focus on the response to, and recovery from, COVID-19, considering what transformations are possible, and how to make these happen.
In addition, there will be discussions around countries carrying out Voluntary National Reviews, and the definition of messages to send to the High Level Political Forum in July, with a specific focus on this year’s priority SDGs.
Participants from the library field will be able to listen into plenary sessions and a wide range of side events – including IFLA’s – and so learn about topics relevant to the SDGs across the region.
It is possible to register for the Forum, whcih will take place primarily online – you will need to create a profile to do this.