ALIA Information Online 2019
Joint keynote address from the IFLA President and Secretary General
On 13 February 2019, IFLA President Glòria Pérez-Salmerón and IFLA Secretary General Gerald Leitner will deliver a joint keynote address at the Australian Library and Information Association's Information Online Conference.
The conference has been held since 1990 and attracts over one thousand influential professionals from all library-related sectors. Under the theme Infinite Possibilities, participants willl explore the opportunities presented by what is happening now and on the horizon in the broader galleries, libraries, archives and museums (GLAM) field, focusing on challenges, opportunities, solutions and possibilities.
Keynote topics
Motors of sustainable development. Libraries and the UN 2030 Agenda
IFLA President Glòria Pérez-Salmerón
Libraries – by providing meaningful access to information to all – are motors of social change. Yet to fulfil this role into the future, libraries themselves need to be ready not just to adapt, but to stay ahead of trends. IFLA is working to make this possible by building a united library field, better able to work together to face the challenges of globalisation and turn them into opportunities to serve our users. And not just by understanding their information needs just in time, also advocating for the basis of access to information as an essential requirement to develop themselves, their communities to get a better society. IFLA in parallel of the successful Global Library Vision process is working on its own transformation together with the wide world Library Community focusing on actions: clear, new ideas for what we can do ourselves, and with partners, to achieve our vision. Success will depend on new ways of thinking, and on changes in mindset, on starting brave actions in the library field to make social change happen.
A vision for a globally united library field
IFLA Secretary General Gerald Leitner
The challenges facing the library field from ever-increasing globalisation can only be met and overcome by an inclusive, global response from a united library field. This is why IFLA has engaged thousands of librarians and library friends in IFLA’s Global Vision discussion – a venture that will generate a united library field roadmap for the future. In 2017, IFLA started to explore the challenges and opportunities for the library eld around the world. The contributions from 190 UN Member States across all seven continents show we are united globally in our goals and values. But we must connect global and local actions effectively. Acknowledging regional characteristics and requirements will be essential in our future efforts to unite the library eld in addressing common challenges. IFLA is creating the biggest idea store for actions, a source of inspiration for all librarians and for IFLA in planning for the future. By contributing to the IFLA Global Vision Ideas Store, all librarians have the opportunity to help define the future directions of IFLA. Everyone is welcome to contribute ideas that will help define the work of IFLA. Our online platform for collecting ideas is available in all seven IFLA languages.
IFLA President-elect Christine Mackenzie