AVMS Webinar: Literacy & Representation: Teaching Media & Visual Literacies Across Communities
The IFLA Audiovisual & Multimedia Section invites you to a 60-minute webinar: “Literacy & Representation: Teaching Media & Visual Literacies Across Communities”
Description: We are living in a turbulent, visual landscape that has proven the importance of media and visual literacy to our students now more than ever. Every day students are bombarded with images and visual media from numerous sources without having the skills needed to understand the messages being sent and the level of reliability of their creators. Media and visual literacy skills are also not inherently a part of our natural skillset as humans; these are skills that need to be taught, learned, and practiced.
This presentation is the result of a collaboration between three librarians at Indiana University Bloomington Libraries and is based on the three librarians’ areas of expertise, media, and visual literacy, as well as their individual identities. The presentation will use these literacies as a lens through which to explore civil rights and social justice issues and emphasize the importance of supporting neurodiverse communities.
Outcome: Attendees of this presentation will learn how to incorporate media and visual literacy into their classrooms, to be more aware of a variety of perspectives and communities, and how to encourage and create a safe and inviting space where all learners can be vulnerable and grow.
Presenters: Nicholae Cline, Librarian for Media Studies, Gender Studies & Philosophy; Jackie Fleming, Librarian for Visual Literacy and Resources; Monique Threatt, Head, Media Services