CONFINTEA VII Side-Event: In substance and in spirit: delivering the SDGs through adult learning in libraries
As part of the 7th International Conference on Adult Education, IFLA is organising a side-event focused on how libraries are not just helping deliver on the right to education, but are doing so in a way that reflects the overall philosophy of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. This will take place on 16 June at 8:30-9:45 UTC (see what time this is for you).
Among the highlights of this philosophy are the idea of a rights-based approach, and the importance of partnerships and of integrated policy-making. They promise to ensure that no opportunities are missed to give everyone the possibility to learn throughout life.
These are familiar to libraries, which have a universal vocation, a mission to deliver solutions tailored to individual and local needs, and a long-standing role in supporting life-long learning, both independently and in collaboration with partners – a point at the heart of the IFLA-UNESCO’s Public Library Manifesto.
In recent years, faced with evolving needs in the societies they serve, as well as new tools and new ways of thinking, libraries have continued to develop how they deliver ALE, in line with both the substance and spirit of the 2030 Agenda. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced further adaptation, but in doing so has brought forth new thinking and ideas about how to reach communities effectively, efficiently and inclusively.
This session will bring together a panel of library practitioners from around the world who are doing just this in order to share reflections on how applying key underpinning themes from the 2030 Agenda helps libraries to contribute more effectively to ALE, and so wider development.
Panellists at the session will include:
Lara Pugh, Project Leader, Learning City, Wollongong City Libraries (Australia)
Zulkifli Amin, Head of Adult & Senior Services, National Library Board, Singapore (Singapore)
Willy Nguka, Senior Lecturer & Head, Department of Adult and Community Education, School of Distance & Lifelong Learning, Makerere University (Uganda)
Miguel Angel Rivera Donoso, Prison Libraries Coordinator, BiblioRedes Programme, Public Library System, National Cultural Heritage Service (Chile)
Moderation will be provided by Stephen Wyber, Director, Policy and Advocacy, IFLA, with introductory words from Lisa Krolak, UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning
While conference participation is limited, the event will be live-streamed, from a link to be provided on the event website.