PDWL Webinar: Transforming Libraries: Navigating Rapid Technological Shifts
and Emerging Community Demands – From RFID to AI Speakers

About the Webinar

This CPDWL webinar explored the dynamic landscape of library transformation amidst rapid technological advancements and evolving community expectations.

View the speaker slides and video.

Ray Pun Generative AI in Education Spaces and Libraries

Santiago Villegas-Ceballos Human Centered Library Transformation (Slides)

Webinar Video YouTube

This event was brought to you in collaboration with:

– Europe Regional Division Committee

– Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Division Committee

– Middle East and North Africa Regional Division Committee

– Sub-Saharan Africa Regional Division Committee

We were honored to feature Dr. Ray Pun and Santiago Villegas-Ceballos as our distinguished speakers for the event. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights into the integration of technologies such as RFID and AI in library services.

Speaker Bios

Ray Pun
Dr. Ray Pun






Dr. Ray Pun is an educational librarian at Alder Graduate School of Education in California, serving the needs of teachers and graduate students. His extensive experience includes roles at prestigious institutions like New York Public Library and New York University Shanghai. An ALA Presidential candidate for 2025-2026, Dr. Pun also contributes his expertise to IFLA, guiding the Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning Section.

Santiago Villegas-Ceballos
Santiago Villegas-Ceballos







Santiago Villegas-Ceballos is a trailblazer in digital transformation within the library sector. With an engineering background and expertise in library science, marketing, and social innovation, he has led over 40 international projects. Santiago currently serves as the director of @MedeJean and is a key figure behind TheShelf.tv, a platform dedicated to enhancing cultural access. His philosophy is to merge tech with a human-centered approach, fostering community empowerment through libraries.

Registration Closed.

Don’t miss out on this transformative event. View the speaker slides and video above.

Event Schedule for March 30th, 2024-

CPDWL Mid-Year Meeting: 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM HKT |Registration– Non-CPDWL Members

CPDWL Webinar: 9:30 PM – 10:30 PM HKT | Registration

CPDWL Online Coaching: 11:30 PM – 12:30 AM HKT | Personalized 30-minute sessions | Details & Registration


Need help? For further information or inquiries, please contact Section Chair of IFLA CPDWL, Helen Chan via email at [email protected]