The European Union's General Data Protection Regulation enters into force on 25 May, bringing with it significant changes in the rules around how personal data is collected, managed and used.

For libraries, which deal not only with their users' data, but also data held in their collections, the new rules – and the way in which they are implemented in Member States – there are potentially major implications for any library or library organisation working with data concerning EU citizens.

This webinar was held on 24 April 2018.

The webinar offered:

  • An overview of the Regulation
  • A summary of the implications for libraries
  • Examples of how some libraries are already dealing with this


  • Ben White, Head of Intellectual Property, British Library (slides in PDF)
  • Line Gry Høgstrup Slemming, Legal Advisor, Digital Cultural Heritage and Media, Danish Royal Library (slides in PDF)

Watch the recording: