Global Symposium of the 30th Anniversary of the Memory of the World Programme
The UNESCO Memory of the World Programme will celebrate its 30th anniversary from 27 October – 5 November with the theme, Enlisting documentary heritage to promote inclusive, just and peaceful societies.
The celebrations will be launched on World Day for Audiovisual Heritage (27 October) with a Global Symposium of the 30th Anniversary of the Memory of the World Programme, held online and at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France.
- Registration for online participation
- Programme
- Find out more in the Concept Note.
This Symposium will bring together colleagues from the MoW programme’s international sub-committees, National and Regional Memory of the World Committees, the International Centre for Documentary Heritage, and from partner professional associations.
Speakers will explore how documentary heritage and the MoW programme can promote inclusive, just and peaceful societies and foster understanding and dialogue across cultures.
IFLA to Launch Commemorative Statement
IFLA is honoured to have been invited to close the Global Symposium by launching a Commemorative Statement on the occasion of the 30th Anniversary of the Memory of the World Programme. This statement embraces the theme: “Your window to the world: Enlisting documentary heritage to promote inclusive, just and peaceful societies”.
It is a joint work between the Co-ordinating Council of Audiovisual Archives Associations, the International Council on Archives, the International Council of Museums, and the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, and has been coordinated by the UNESCO International Centre for Documentary Heritage, hosted by the Republic of Korea.
Get Involved
Are you planning an event to celebrate Memory of the World and/or World Day for Audiovisual Heritage? The Memory of the World Secretariat is promoting national events on a dedicated website.
Those who are interested may send details about your event (title; date and time; name of organizer; short description and registration link/contact details) to [email protected].
Are exhibitions, educational and cultural programming, or other events at your library exploring how documentary heritage can help promote inclusive, just and peaceful societies and foster multiculturalism, multilingualism, and dialogue? Let IFLA know what you are doing! Contact: Claire McGuire ([email protected])