ICSTI 2017 General Assembly
26 October 2017
Library of Congress, Washington D.C., USA
IFLA representative
IFLA will be represented by Past President Donna Scheeder
CSTI, The International Council for Scientific and Technical Information, offers a unique forum for interaction between organizations that create, disseminate and use scientific and technical information. ICSTI’s mission cuts across scientific and technical disciplines, as well as international borders, to give member organizations the benefit of a truly global community. Since end 2011, ICSTI has the status of observer to UNESCO.
At the 2017 ICSTI General Assembly, past IFLA President Donna Scheeder will give a presentation that focuses on some of IFLA's key activities: The International Advocacy Programme (IAP), IFLA's Global Vision Discussion, and the Library Map of the World.
Source/More information: ICSTI 2017