IFLA ENSULIB Webinar Series: The Power of Data to Advance the SDGs
The Power of Data to Advance the SDGs — The role of publishers to support the SDGs and examples from Elsevier
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a powerful tool to track progress towards a sustainable society that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The research community, including librarians as information professionals and publishers, have a key role in delivering high quality information to researchers, organizations and policy makers in order to act on the world that we all live in. In the presentation, the speaker will:
- give an overview of some of broader industry initiatives around the SDGs, but in particular introduce analytics and collaborations around the SDG research landscape;
- address questions such as north-south collaboration and gender aspects;
- introduce key finding from a recent report Pathways to Net Zero: The Impact of Clean Energy Research
All these hope to serve to illustrate the title of the talk – The Power of Data to Advance the SDGs.
Anders Karlsson joined Elsevier in 2012 as Vice President, Global Strategic Networks. In this role he is actively engaged in Elsevier’s efforts around sustainability. He is furthermore the Japan Chapter Chair of the Science, Technology and Medical Publisher Association (STM), and a member of the Asia Chapter Steering Committee of the International Network for Governmental Science Advice- INGSA. Before Elsevier he was for five years Science Counselor at Embassy of Sweden, Tokyo. He was for 10 years Professor in Quantum Photonics at the Royal Institute of Technology – KTH, Stockholm, Sweden and has been Visiting Scientist at among others NTT Basic Research Labs and Stanford University. He has a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and a M.Sc. in Engineering Physics, both from KTH.
Series Organizers
- Harri Sahavirta [email protected]
- Petra Hauke [email protected]
- Priscilla Pun [email protected]
- Beth Filar Williams [email protected]
- Antonia Mocatta [email protected]
- Vivienne Byrd [email protected]