IFLA Library Map of the World – LAI Workshop
The Library Association of Ireland (LAI) & IFLA invite you to join an online workshop on storytelling through SDGs for advocacy using the IFLA Library Map of the World (LMW). The workshop is suitable for librarians, marketing & communications officers.
About the Workshop
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) represent an urgent call for action by all countries – developed and developing – in a global partnership. They recognize that ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests.
For libraries and other institutions that bring communities together, the SDGs offer a framework for collective action, direction and purpose within the local, regional and national contexts. Libraries and third sector organisations can also serve as partners in meeting local development needs aligned with the SDGs.
This workshop will allow participants to understand the SDGs within this global context and in particular see how libraries around the world can draw inspiration from the work of fellow librarians have aligned with the SDGs to tell their stories of community engagement and societal impact.
The scope of the workshop will include understanding the SDGs framework and how it can help libraries to showcase their social and community impact; learning practical skills for storytelling and advocacy; about the Library World Map and its advocacy resources that can be used within all libraries and relevant to other related sectors.
As part of the IFLA Library Map of the World, all libraries have the opportunity to showcase their work in the context of the SDGs through the SDG Stories. After completing this workshop, attendees will be ready to prepare their own SDG Story for the IFLA Library World Map SDG Stories website.
The facilitator will explain this process, how submissions can be in various media formats, and the support available from IFLA for this process.
For additional information, see:
Registration for this online event is required.
Register for free and join the workshop on 30 June 2021, 14.00 – 16.30 Irish Standard Time (IST)
Check your timezone and save the date!
About the Workshop Facilitator: KristÄ«ne PabÄrza-Ramiresa
The keynote speaker KristÄ«ne PabÄrza-Ramiresa works as Member Engagement Officer at the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) and one of her main tasks is managing the Library Map of the World (LMW) project. Kristine has brought to IFLA her years of experience in cultural heritage digitisation gained at the Information Systems Centre (CISC) of Latvia and also her knowledge about the social and economic impact of the public library services in Latvia. Kristine covered the role of President of the Library Association of Latvia for two years before joining IFLA.
About the LAI-IFLA Library Map of the World Project
The Library Association of Ireland (LAI) is the professional body for librarians in Ireland, and the collator of IFLA LMW data for Ireland. The project team consists of Lara Musto & Dr Johanna Archbold who are hosting this workshop on behalf of the LAI.
Contact the Project Team: [email protected]
Stay up-to-date with the latest news from the LMW team by following the @IFLA_LibraryMap on Twitter.
We look forward to seeing you soon!