Information for Development – Mobilising Libraries in Asia-Pacific to Support UN Goals
15 November 2022
Bangkok, Thailand
IFLA representative
Barbara Lison, IFLA President 2021-23
The ability to access and apply information can be all too easily taken for granted. Yet it is arguably an essential development accelerator, enabling better decision-making from the individual to the government level.
The role of the millions of libraries in Asia-Pacific and the world is to unlock this, helping their communities realise their potential, and their rights, and in doing so, deliver on the goals of the UN system.
This seminar will look at this contribution, and how to expand and intensify it work, drawing on the presence of over 50 senior representatives of libraries from across the Asia-Pacific region in Bangkok.
With an audience of librarians from across the region, speakers will include:
- Barbara Lison, IFLA President 2021-23
- Mitch Hsieh, Chief, Communications and Knowledge Management, UN ESCAP
- Oliver Paddison, Chief, Countries with Special Needs Section, UN ESCAP – UN work on the Sustainable Development Goals in Asia-Pacific
- Jonathan Tsuen Yip Wong, Chief of Technology and Innovation, UN ESCAP – UN work on innovation, technology and entrepreneurship in Asia-Pacific
- Sowirin Chuanprapun, Project Officer, and Papol Dhutikraikriang, Assistant Project Officer, and Literacy and Lifelong Learning Team, UNESCO Bangkok, UNESCO work on education and lifelong learning in Asia-Pacific
- Montira Horayangura Unakul, Culture Programme Officer, UNESCO Bangkok, UNESCO work on culture and heritage in Asia-Pacific
- Carly Wood Bachman, Librarian, UN ESCAP
Consult the flyer for the event!