Libraries in the sky: large-scale collaboration strategies and infrastructures to enhance the use of digital heritage collections

IFLA RBSCS mid-term conference, National Library of Norway (Oslo) April 12th 2018

In many countries, libraries have worked together to enhance the visibility of their national heritage through a national digital library. In Europe, Europeana is the continental digital library, and humanity as a whole has a World Digital Library to discover its most precious treasures.

Now the time has come to reinforce and expand these collaborative initiatives over the cloud, to foster new research opportunities and include born digital documents as well.

New kinds of collaborations, large-scale or international, are now needed. Tools like IIIF are becoming standards which must be mastered by librarians, and Research Infrastructures are being created which demand the expertise of librarians on their collections and on information management. Born-digital documents represent new challenges that probably need to be addressed collaboratively, and solutions are still to be found.

The IFLA Rare Books and Special Collections is inviting speakers from all over the world to Oslo on April 12th, 2018, to present their experiences and projects regarding the building of large-scale collaborative tools and infrastructures to enhance the access to and the reuse of digital heritage collections, born-digital or digitized items. An interactive training session on IIIF will also be provided by the National Library of Norway.

The full programme is now available below or to be downloaded here. Registration is free for this conference, however advanced booking is essential. Please email Nina Korbu (National Library of Norway) to book your place.


Libraries in the sky

large-scale collaboration strategies and infrastructures to enhance the use of digital heritage collections

National Library of Norway (Oslo), 12 April 2018

09:00: Coffee, welcome and opening:

· Hege Stensrud Høsøien, National Library of Norway

· Helen Vincent, Chair of IFLA RBSC section


09:30-10:30 Digital Discovery of Cultural Heritage Treasures

· V. Zupan: Legacy Treasure of the “Svetozar Markovic” university library in Belgrade: Experience from a Digital Environment | Presentation

· P. Granholm: Manuscripta – a Digital Catalogue of Manuscripts in Sweden | Presentation


10:30-10:45 Coffee break


10:45-12:00 Large-scale collection development, discovery and access

· E. MacGlone: Development of a UK sports collection for the UK Legal Deposit Web Archive | Presentation

· J. Simmons: Global Discovery of Special Collections and Archives via the SNAC | Presentation

· A. Baillot, F. Vignale: Exploring the cultural heritage of reading: the READ-IT project | Presentation


12:00-13:00 Lunch


13:00-14:30 Improving access through technology: user experience and IIIF

· A. Angeletaki: Archives and libraries brought into the 21st century through the use of technology. Lessons learned and challenges to reflect upon.

· M. Mcgrattan: Digirati: cloud-based infrastructure and services for digital content delivery and content enrichment, centred around the use of IIIF and other open APIs

· S. Brumfield, J. Howard: Round Trip to Paradise: using IIIF to connect disparate library systems | Presentation


14:30-14:45 Coffee break


14:45-15:15 Sharing and using collections digitally

· R. Mouren: The ReACH Project: Promoting universally the Reproduction, storage and sharing of works of Art and Cultural Heritage through digital technologies | Presentation

· R. Di Cresce, A. Bolintineanu: Using IIIF to Teach Rare Books, Special Collections and Digital Humanities | Presentation


15:15-16:15 Open session for comments and conclusion, chaired by H. Vincent