

This webinar is on the topic of LIS education in Developing countries and the challenges faced by LIS education before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. It will highlight the opportunities that came out of these challenges. The webinar will include a case study on LIS education in Iran, where three speakers from different universities will share their views and experiences.


  • Dr. Hamid Keshavarz
    faculty member of Information Science and Knowledge, Shahid Beheshti University
  • Dr. Rahman Marefat
    faculty member of Information Science and Knowledge, Semnan University
  • Dr. Maryam Pakdaman Naeini
    PhD in Information Science and Knowledge

Join the webinar on 4 March 06:00 – 08:00 CEST

new date and time: 11 March 2021 18:00 – 20:00 CEST

Check your timezone and save the date!

Organiser: Saif AlJabri & Amir Reza Asnafi – [email protected]

Suggested audience: LIS Educators from all over the world

Level of interaction: Multiple speakers with Q&A

Duration of event: 120 minutes

Language(s) subtitling and translations available: English with English subtitles