LIS Education in developing countries challenges and opportunities
This webinar is on the topic of LIS education in Developing countries and the challenges faced by LIS education before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. It will highlight the opportunities that came out of these challenges. The webinar will include a case study on LIS education in Iran, where three speakers from different universities will share their views and experiences.
Dr. Hamid Keshavarz
faculty member of Information Science and Knowledge, Shahid Beheshti University -
Dr. Rahman Marefat
faculty member of Information Science and Knowledge, Semnan University -
Dr. Maryam Pakdaman Naeini
PhD in Information Science and Knowledge
Join the webinar on 4 March 06:00 – 08:00 CEST
new date and time: 11 March 2021 18:00 – 20:00 CEST
Check your timezone and save the date!
Organiser: Saif AlJabri & Amir Reza Asnafi – [email protected]
Suggested audience: LIS Educators from all over the world
Level of interaction: Multiple speakers with Q&A
Duration of event: 120 minutes
Language(s) subtitling and translations available: English with English subtitles