Memory of the World UNESCO Recommendation expert meeting
Documentary heritage in archives, libraries and museums constitutes a major part of the memory of the peoples of the world and reflects the diversity of peoples, languages and cultures. The issue of preserving this heritage has been a source of concern to specialists and other familiar with its fragility and the ensuing risks of losing important sources of information. Professional groups have urged UNESCO to develop a standard-setting instrument to provide the basis for the protection of the world’s documentary heritage, including in digital form. Protection can be effectively achieved through strategic policies that contribute to enhanced national legislative and implementation frameworks in Member States.
To finalise the proposed UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Preservation of, Access to, Documentary Heritage in the Digital Era UNESCO will hold an Intergovernmental Special Committee meeting of experts on the 1st and 2nd of July 2015. IFLA has commented on the previous drafts of the proposed Recommendation and will provide input to the expert meeting.