MLAS Online-Seminar Library Map of the World: Engagement for Advocacy
The IFLA Library Map of the World (LMW) is a source of country-level library statistics, information about the library environment in each country, and a unifying platform providing access to SDG stories.
LMW is an initiative to ensure the availability of data, information and stories that show the powerful contribution of libraries in supporting smarter and more inclusive societies. This is the key to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). How library associations can use this material from the LMW Website for their work and how they can contribute to make their work more visible will be discussed in this online seminar, organized by IFLA Management of Library Associations Section and IFLA Headquarters.
Join Halo Locher, Chair of the Management of Library Associations Section, Kristine Paberza-Ramiresa, IFLA’s Member Engagement Officer, and Stephen Wyber, IFLA’s Policy and Advocacy Manager, as they will discuss:
- The importance of being well presented on the Library Map of the World
- Engagement scenarios for library associations
- Processes behind keeping the LMW data up to date, preparing and curating country profiles
- The 2021 priorities for SDG stories
- Using the LMW content and resources in library advocacy
Webinar time: 14 January 2021 at 14:00 CET (free of charge)