Session 140, To Have and not to Hold: The End of Ownership – CLM and FAIFE Advisory Committees
9:30 – 11:30
Simulatenous translation
The shift from buying physical library media to licensing digital content has profound impacts on the way libraries acquire and give access to content. From e-books that can disappear at the whim (or the mistake) of the owners of a server far away, to the limits on sharing and archiving imposed by some contracts. From the potential monitoring of reader behaviour, to the criminalisation of those who simply want to improve user experience. The dominance of digital media in information provision has both broadened the field of information to which we have access, but potentially made it shallower in terms of the use that libraries, and their users, can make of it. The joint CLM-FAIFE session will look at the question of the end of ownership from a legal and an ethical point of view, drawing on the experience and knowledge of the two communities.
Chair: Martyn Wade (United Kingdom)
Chair: Evelyn Woodberry (Australia)
1. The Limits of Licensing. Tom Lipinski (School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin, United States)
2. The Possibilities of Licensing. Ann Okerson (Centre for Research Libraries, United States)
3. The Balance among Licenses and Exceptions and Limitations to Copyright. Swaraj Paul Barooah (The Centre for Internet and Society, India)
4. Privacy Concerns and Other Side Effects of Licensing. Brent Roe (Laurentian University, Canada)
5. Special Issues in the Developing World; Open Access as a Recapturing of Ownership. Jonathan Hernandez-Perez (Instituto de Investigaciones Bibilotecologicas, UNAM, Mexico)