SET Webinar: Moodle for Education and Training
The IFLA Section on Education & Training presented a webinar “Moodle for Education and Training” on December 10, from 17:00-18:00 CET.
IFLA SET hosted another interesting webinar with participants from around the world on Thursday, December 10. The session “Moodle for Education and Training” was organized by SET member Jennifer Branch-Müller and included talks by four presenters about their work with Moodle. SET Chair Kendra Albright welcomed speakers and participants then briefly introduced SET activities.and work.
Joanne Rodger began the webinar talking about a learning culture and then spoke specifically about how she used Totara (a Moodle-based product for organizations) to support learning and development in a large public library system with over 20 branches and 600 employees. Kais Abid next spoke about how his business (Oohoo) supports users through hosting services and building customizations and add-ons to harness the power of Moodle for organizations and to help different IT systems talk to each other. Dave Laurie detailed some key things to consider when choosing Moodle as a Learning Management System and talked about how the University of Alberta (with about 40,000 students) supports instructors and learners using Moodle. Jerine Pegg wrapped up the session talking about a collaborative narrative inquiry research project that explored the experiences of online teaching and learning.
You can watch the webinar recording on YouTube channel:
Joanne Rodger – Moodle for Workplace Learning & Development
Kais Abid – Moodle as a Framework
Dave Laurie – Supporting Moodle as an enterprise LMS for Post-Secondary Education
Jerine Pegg – Starting with stories: Harnessing the LMS to support diverse ways of being a teacher in online learning environments
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