Strong and Sustainable Library Fields in Europe
On 21-23 November, library representatives from across Europe will meet for a workshop in Brussels focused on what is needed not just to strengthen libraries at all levels today, but to ensure that they succeed into the future.
The workshop is part of a series being run by IFLA, thanks to support from Stichting IFLA Global Libraries, in order to build capacity at all levels to deliver real change for communities.
Participants will work with information and tools designed to help reflect on what it means for library fields to be sustainable, and what it will take to ensure that we are ready for the future, and to make a bigger and more positive contribution than ever to make a positive difference.
As part of the workshop, participants will be meeting with contacts from the European Commission, Member States and beyond, both to highlight the potential of libraries, and to learn more about how to make international working part of their national strategy.
We look forward to sharing stories from the event, and all materials will be made available afterwards.
This workshop is made possible by a grant from Stichting IFLA Global Libraries.