UNESCO General Conference
The 41st General Conference of UNESCO (the United Nations Education, Science, and Cultural Organization) takes place from 9-24 November 2021 at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France.
The General Conference is held every two years. It brings together representatives of UNESCO’s Member States to determine the policies and the main lines of work for UNESCO, alongside observers such as non-governmental organisations like IFLA.
IFLA is an official partner organisation of UNESCO. We uphold the believe that the values of libraries align with the mission of UNESCO, and we work to strengthen ties to the organisation as well as to the National Commissions who connect UNESCO’s work to decision-making and activities at the national level.
We will be following the proceedings of this year’s General Conference closely. Stay tuned for more as we help identify actions that libraries can take to contribute to the work of UNESCO.
Read more about the upcoming General Conference.