Call for Proposals

Our successful Webinar Series for LIS Students enters its third season. We are delighted that IFLA Division C ongoing project continues this autumn. The Webinar Series for LIS students aims to create a place for students to share their projects, research, and ideas about different topics related to libraries. Each webinar will address a different theme. All events are held online and are open to everyone (no registration fees).

October’s webinar will be dedicated to the Projects in Libraries

We are interested in hearing about the innovative projects you have created or helped create in a library. Your proposal could also include abstract ideas that you believe would be a great project. What community/communities this project serves and/or what need it addresses? What sparked the idea for this project? Is there anything you wish you had known before the project began, or anything you wish you had done differently? What advice would you give to someone launching a similar project?

The proposal may speak to:

  • Project goals
  • Innovative aspect of the project
  • Benefits of the project for library users
  • New possibilities for the library through the project
  • Outcome of the project, key findings
  • Project assessment and background
  • Methodology adopted

Library and Information Science students at all levels (bachelor’s, master’s and PhD degrees programs) are encouraged to submit a proposal about the topic. Proposals (in MS Word) must include:

  • Name, title, institution, email of speaker(s);
  • Brief biographical statement about each speaker (maximum 100 words);
  • Title of proposed presentation;
  • Abstract highlighting its relevance to the theme (maximum 400 words).


Submit your proposals to Susanne List-Tretthahn ([email protected]) and Nicole Filbrandt ([email protected]).

Accepted participants will receive a certificate from IFLA Division C for presenting at the webinar. Presentations will be delivered online by the presenter, in PowerPoint format. Each presentation will last for 15 minutes, including 5 minutes for questions and answers.

Important dates:

  • Deadline for submission is October 12, 2022.
  • Three proposals will be accepted for presentation and the accepted participants will be notified by October 17, 2022.
  • This month’s webinar is held on October 26, 16-17:30 CEST.

For further questions, please contact Susanne List-Tretthahn ([email protected])  and Nicole Filbrandt ([email protected]).