The Australian National Bibliography (previously issued as Books Published in Australia and Annual Catalogue of Australian Publications) was published in print form between 1936 and 1996. Since then, the national bibliography function has been absorbed into the Australian National Bibliographic Database (ANBD) which is operated by the National Library of Australia and is the key component of the national bibliographic agency, Libraries Australia. The ANBD records the location details of over 45 million items held in most Australian academic, research, national, state, public and special libraries. It contains bibliographic records from a number of sources including national cataloguing agency records from Australia and overseas and original cataloguing contributed by Australian libraries. These bibliographic records are supplemented by location information supplied by Australian libraries.

Libraries Australia is available as a subscription service Records from the ANBD and a range of other sources are freely available through the Trove discovery service    

The National Library of Australia operates the Australian CiP program. CIP records are contributed to the ANBD.