Belize National Bibliography
Title | The Belize National Bibliography |
Web site address | |
Start date | Began 1977 |
Period covered | 1928 to 1999 |
Current size | Approximately 1000 records |
Media covered | Printed books or serials and booklets only. |
General selection criteria | Only materials printed in Belize, regardless of nationality of author. |
Selection criteria for digital resources | N/A |
Exclusions policies applied | Printed books or serials and booklets only |
Primary organisation responsible for national bibliographic control | Single national library |
Web site address of national bibliographic agency | |
Co-operative structures or relationships supporting the production of the national bibliography | Cooperation with local printers, writers, publishers and ISBN/ISSN agencies. |
Single integrated or multiple categorised bibliographies | Only one National Bibliography exists, which is imited to published books and booklets |
Sources of bibliographic metadata used to produce national bibliography | The data is created in-house. Verification, when needed, are done by the staff via direct inquiries to the writers, organizations or printers. |
Relationship to national legal deposit legislation or voluntary deposit arrangements | The legal deposit legislation is the primary source of collected national materials. |
Relationship to national Cataloguing in Publication (CIP) programme | There is no CIP programme in Belize. |
Media & format options | The national bibliography is currently available only as a Microsoft Word document. |
Access options to national bibliographic metadata | The metadata of the national bibliography are only available in-house at the National Heritage Library. |
Metadata enhancements offered via online services | N/A |
Web 2.0 services offered | N/A |
Frequency of service updates | N/A |
Target audiences for services | Members of the public. |
Uses made of services offered | N/A |
Pricing policy for national bibliographic services | Free |
Availability of metadata for re-use | Presently not released into the public domain, other than as a flat list. |
Metadata formats | MARC21 |
Cataloguing code | AACR2 |
Levels of description offered | AACR Level 1 |
Subject standards | LCSH |
Name authority standards | NACO and a local guide |
Is NBA affiliated to IFLA SC? | No |
Date information submitted | 02/04/2012 |
Information supplied by | Felene M. Swaso |