Title The Finnish National Bibliography (Fennica)

The Finnish National Discography (Viola)

Web site address Fennica – The Finnish National Bibliography

Viola – The Finnish National Discography

The National Library Search

Start date Began 1877 (printed)
Period covered 1488 to date
Current size 1,073,123 (Fennica)

1,087,438 (Viola)

Media covered Printed and electronic monographs and serials, maps, multimedia, sound recordings and sheet music, ephemera as collection level description, web pages as collection level descriptions
General selection criteria Includes material published in Finland and also publications by Finnish authors published abroad and publications about Finland.
Selection criteria for digital resources Same criteria as for printed resources
Exclusions policies applied Ephemera as individual records and videos
Primary organisation responsible for national bibliographic control The National Library of Finland
Web site address of national bibliographic agency https://www.kansalliskirjasto.fi/en/node/1748
Co-operative structures or  relationships supporting the production of the national bibliography Kirjastopalvelu (sells full records and library supplies for public libraries), ISBN, ISMN, ISSN agencies. Kirjavälitys (a logistic service provider for books) provides pre cataloguing.
Single integrated or multiple categorised bibliographies Separate collections for National Bibliography Fennica and National Discography Viola
Sources of bibliographic metadata used to produce national bibliography Data is created in-house in co-operation with Kirjastopalvelu and pre publication metadata received from Kirjavälitys
Relationship to national legal deposit legislation or voluntary deposit arrangements  Materials are received under the Act on Collecting and Preserving Cultural Materials 1433/2007 (available in Finnish and Swedish).
Relationship to national Cataloguing in Publication (CIP) programme CIP programme is co-ordinated by the NBA and the pre publication records are included in national bibliographic services.
Form of publication used for the national bibliography The National Library Search
Access options to national bibliographic metadata Web catalogue, OAI-PMH, REST, Linked Data, Z39.50 and SRU
Online access options data.nationallibrary.fi


Formats & media available for delivery of record sets from the national bibliography MARC 21, RDF linked data, MARCXML, CSV
Metadata enhancements offered via online services Book covers and jackets
Web 2.0 services offered Not yet offered
Frequency of service updates Continuously updated
Target audiences for services Academic/public libraries, members of the public, book trade, copyright organizations
Uses made of  services offered Acquisition/selection, derived cataloguing, retrospective conversion, statistical enquiries about national output
Pricing policy for national bibliographic services Free basis
Under what conditions may the metadata be re-used for other products? CC0 licence
Metadata formats MARC21, Dublin Core, ONIX, MARCXML
Cataloguing rules or code RDA from 2016
Levels of description offered National bibliographic level
Subject standards: Classification UDC, Finnish Public Libraries Classification
Subject standards: Subject heading scheme or thesaurus General Finnish Ontology (YSO), Metadata thesaurus, Finnish Genre and Form Vocabulary
Name authority standards RDA
Is NBA affiliated to IFLA SC? Yes
Date information submitted 2021-08-24
Information supplied by Katri Kananen / Satu Niininen