Italian National Bibliography
Title | Bibliografia nazionale italiana (BNI) = Italian National Bibliography |
Web site address | |
Start date | Began 1958 |
Period covered | Since 1958 onwards |
Current size | Current size 1.422.000 records (about) |
Media covered | Printed books: Monographs, Printed music, Periodicals (Series), PhD thesis. |
General selection criteria | The Italian National Bibliography (BNI) records the nation’s publications and includes selective coverage of printed publications since 1958 in Italy, in accordance with the Italian legal deposit law |
Selection criteria for digital resources | Now PhD thesis in digital format only: an experimental project of harvesting and cataloguing PhD thesis deposited on line from Universities is going on |
Exclusions policies applied | BNI is made up of four series . Each of ones applies own specific policies of exclusions. The main series, Monographs, excludes these publications: the material, that for its nature, is generally addressed to special categories of people, or for private or short-lived interests. Also no book material is excluded, except the experimental project for PhD Thesis. Government publications and international organization’s official publications, especially if they are not monographic publications. Laws, legislative decrees, regulations and labour contracts, etc. without commentaries or specified for special reader categories. Publications of political parties, trade unions, Chambers of commerce, cultural and religious associations, and etc., which are not of general interest. Pastoral letters and other official documents of other religious authorities and other minor religious publications. Commercial literature and, usually, re-edition of romances. Grey literature obtained in subscription and/or membership. Reprints, if the relative edition is never described, pre-prints, specimens and similar; gift editions, when they are exact reprints of the relative edition, even if they have a different cover and/or presentation; handbooks and books for the nursery and primary schools. Biographical writings for occasional and devoted events; almanacs and similar, patents, extracts, also if presented in a series. Exhibition catalogues of private galleries, show programs. Publisher catalogues and antiquarian book trade catalogues, without historical and scientific aims. Advertising and book trade catalogues, if they aren’t the only source in a specific domain, for example: stamps, coins and other art object catalogues. Printed music, which is described in two specific semester issues. Duplicated lecture notes for internal use; separately published talks and presentations for particular occasions, cartographic material. |
Primary organisation responsible for national bibliographic control | A single national central library: since1886, with the publication of the Italian Publishing Bulletin for Copyright Deposit, the National Central Library of Florence became the National Bibliographic Agency |
Web site address of national bibliographic agency | |
Co-operative structures or relationships supporting the production of the national bibliography | The records for BNI are catalogued in SBN (Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale: National Librarian Service). |
Single integrated or multiple categorised bibliographies | BNI is made up of four series: Monographs, Printed music, Periodicals, PhD thesis |
Sources of bibliographic metadata used to produce national bibliography | Multiple sources: data created in-house and from other libraries in SBN Index, then integrated and validated from NBA |
Relationship to national legal deposit legislation or voluntary deposit arrangements | All material is received by the NBA under national legal deposit arrangement |
Relationship to national Cataloguing in Publication (CIP) programme | There isn’t a CIP programme |
Media & format options | All series are freely available on the Internet |
Access options to national bibliographic metadata | Web catalogue, OAI-PMH, SRU |
Metadata enhancements offered via online services | no |
Web 2.0 services offered | no |
Frequency of service updates | The main series, Monographs, consists of twelve issues per year. Printed Music and Serials consist of two issues each, PhD thesis one issue. |
Target audiences for services | Every kind of target audiences |
Uses made of services offered | Every kind of use |
Pricing policy for national bibliographic services | The BNI is freely available |
Availability of metadata for re-use | The whole BNI metadata are of public domain inside the OPAC of BNCF, but not distinguishable from other records not described for BNI. |
Metadata formats | UNIMARC |
Cataloguing code | Regole italiane di catalogazione: REICAT |
Levels of description offered | ISBD, description of SUP level in Index SBN |
Subject standards | DDC: WebDewey(IT); Nuovo soggettario |
Name authority standards | UNIMARC/A, GARR |
Is NBA affiliated to IFLA SC? | Yes it is |