Title The Japanese National Bibliography (JNB)
Web site address The JNB web page: https://www.ndl.go.jp/en/data/data_service/jnb/index.html
NDL Search: https://iss.ndl.go.jp/?ar=27d7&locale=en
NDL Online: https://ndlonline.ndl.go.jp/#!/?lang=en 
Start date began 1948
Period covered 1868 to date
Current size About 8 million
Media covered Books, serials, materials for people with visual impairment, packaged digital publications, maps, audio-visual materials, online resources, etc.
General selection criteria It describes the materials newly published or distributed in Japan that are received by the National Diet Library under legal deposit as provided for in the National Diet Library Law.
Selection criteria for digital resources Packaged digital publications. Online resources published with ISBN, ISSN, or DOI or in PDF, EPUB, or DAISY format are also in the scope of the selection.
Exclusions policies applied Secret documents, ephemera
Online content stored in repositories
Motion pictures are also excluded at this time.
Primary organisation responsible for national bibliographic control The National Diet Library. See: https://www.ndl.go.jp/en/index.html
Web site address of national bibliographic agency Making and Providing Bibliographic Data: https://www.ndl.go.jp/en/data/index.html
Co-operative structures or  relationships supporting the production of the national bibliography The acquisition of library materials by legal deposit is partially carried out through major publication wholesalers.
Single integrated or multiple categorised bibliographies The JNB are provided as two separate bibliographies: the JNB (of physical publications) and the JNB of online resources. They are available through NDL Search, which is the NDL’s integrated search system, and through NDL Online, the National Diet Library Online Search and Request Service.
A MARC version of the JNB (of physical publications) is provided as JAPAN/MARC (weekly update).
Sources of bibliographic metadata used to produce national bibliography Sources of bibliographic metadata used to produce the JNB include: commercial MARC data, in-house created data, and derived catalogue data from a variety of sources.
Relationship to national legal deposit legislation or voluntary deposit arrangements Japanese publishers are obliged by the Article 24, 25 and 25-2 of the National Diet Library Law to send a copy of all new publications to the National Diet Library. They are also obliged by the Article 25-3 and 25-4 to provide online publications.
See: https://www.ndl.go.jp/en/collect/deposit/index.html
Relationship to national Cataloguing in Publication (CIP) programme There is no CIP programme in Japan.
Form of publicatoin used for the national bibliography The JNB can be downloaded through NDL Search and NDL Online, integrated in the web database.
JAPAN/MARC files are delivered on the webpage “JAPAN/MARC (weekly update)”: https://www.ndl.go.jp/jp/data/data_service/jnb_product.html
The JNB of online resources are available from the page “全国書誌(電子書籍・電子雑誌編)TSVファイル一覧 (Japanese National Bibliography records of e-books and e-periodicals in TSV format)”:
Access options to national bibliographic metadata:  
Formats & media available for delivery of record sets from the national bibliography The JNB can be downloaded through NDL Search and NDL Online in a wide variety of formats including JAPAN/MARC MARC21 format, DC-NDL (RDF) format based on Dublin Core, tsv, etc.
The JNB files on the JAPAN/MARC (weekly update) webpage are available in JAPAN/MARC MARC21 format.
The complete JAPAN/MARC data is available via e-mail request.
Metadata enhancements offered via online services There are no metadata enhancements offered via online services.
Web 2.0 services offered There is no Web 2.0 services offered.
Frequency of service updates The JNB provides the bibliographic records by date through NDL Search and NDL Online. JAPAN/MARC (weekly update) files are offered weekly. RSS feeds are offered weekly.
The JNB of online resources are offered weekly.
Target audiences for services The target of the JNB is the public, as well as libraries in Japan and overseas.
Uses made of  services offered * Notification of publications for selection and acquisition activities
* Deriving high quality catalogue records for inclusion in local catalogues
* Reference queries
* Retrospective conversion using back-file data
Pricing policy for national bibliographic services Free for online access.
Under what conditions may the metadata be re-used for other products? The JNB may be freely used on the condition that the user complies with these provisions:
* Source citation
* No infringement of third party rights
* Disclaimer, etc.
Commercial use of the bibliographic data is also permitted.
Metadata formats MARC21 format and DC-NDL (National Diet Library Dublin Core Metadata Description)
Cataloguing code NCR (Nippon Cataloging Rules) 2018 Edition
Levels of description offered Core Elements offered in NCR 2018 Edition
Subject standards  
Classification NDC (Nippon Decimal Classification) 10th Edition, NDLC (National Diet Library Classification)
Subject heading scheme or thesaurus NDLSH (National Diet Library Subject Headings)
Name authority standards Web NDL Authorities. See: https://id.ndl.go.jp/auth/ndla
Is NBA affiliated to IFLA SC? Yes
Date information submitted 2023-02-17
Information supplied by MURAKAMI, Kazue
Contact email [email protected]