Polish National Bibliography
Title | The Polish National Bibliography (Polska Bibliografia Narodowa) |
Web site address | http://bn.org.pl/en/catalogues-and-bibliographies/bibliographies-online/ |
Start date | Began 1924 |
Period covered | 1901 to date |
Current size | Online databases: 1,691,145Printed bibliography: 3,236,196, retro conversion in the database is in progress |
Media covered | Printed books and serials, articles in periodicals, audio (recorded music and non-music recordings), printed music, maps, offline publications. |
General selection criteria | Include Polish publishing output received by the NL under the legal deposit act and works published abroad in Polish, translations into other languages of Polish works published abroad, works about Poland published abroad in other languages (mainly books, printed music, atlases, theses). |
Selection criteria for digital resources | Only offline documents. |
Exclusions policies applied | Books < 16 pages, reports, grey literature, ephemera, movies. |
Primary organisation responsible for national bibliographic control | Biblioteka Narodowa (The National Library of Poland) |
Web site address of national bibliographic agency | http://bn.org.pl/en/catalogues-and-bibliographies/bibliographies-online/ |
Co-operative structures or relationships supporting the production of the national bibliography | ISBN/ISMN and ISSN agencies are part of the NL. |
Single integrated or multiple categorised bibliographies |
The Polish National Bibliography includes the following parts:
Sources of bibliographic metadata used to produce national bibliography | The source to produce NB is data created in-house: bibliographic records of the NL. |
Relationship to national legal deposit legislation or voluntary deposit arrangements | The material is received by the NBA under legal deposit law. |
Relationship to national Cataloguing in Publication (CIP) programme | CIP programme has been practiced in Poland since 1988, but it is hardly used by publishers. No pre publication records. |
Media & format options | MARC (MARC21, MARC-BN) and MARC exchange filesPrinted bibliographies were replaced by PDF version in 2010 |
Access options to national bibliographic metadata | Web catalogue, Z39.50, FTP. |
Metadata enhancements offered via online services | Not yet offered. |
Web 2.0 services offered | Not yet offered. |
Frequency of service updates | Depending on the part of bibliography (weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly). |
Target audiences for services | Librarian professionals in general, scientific researches, members of the public. |
Uses made of services offered | Acquisition/selection, derived cataloguing and regional and thematic bibliographies. |
Pricing policy for national bibliographic services | Polish National Bibliography operates all online bases for free. Instead it provides cost recovery for special services that involve further manual labour. |
Availability of metadata for re-use | Polish National Bibliography metadata is released for free into public domain without restriction (except for profit business) |
Metadata formats | MARC21 (older databases in MARC-BN) |
Cataloguing code | Przepisy katalogowania (Polish cataloguing rules) |
Levels of description offered | ISBD |
Subject standards | UDC, JHP BN (National Library of Poland Subject Headings) |
Name authority standards | Polish standards compatible with GARR |
Is NBA affiliated to IFLA SC? | No |