Title Bibliographie du Québec
Web site address http://www.banq.qc.ca/ressources_en_ligne/bib_bibliographie.html
Start date Began 1968
Period covered 1968 to date, since 2003 each annual volume includes records for resources published during the current and the previous year only, previously all resources catalogued during the month regardless of date were included.Note: Quebec publications prior to 1968 are listed in our retrospective bibliographies: the Laurentiana parus avant 1821(covers 1764-1820) and the Bibliographie du Québec, 1821-1967 for non-governmental monographs; the Catalogue des partitions musicales avant 1968 for printed music. These records are available in BAnQ’s online catalogue Iris. In addition the records for the Bibliographie du Québec, 1821-1967 can be accessed through a specific interface: http://services.banq.qc.ca/sdx/bqr/accueil.xsp?db=notice
Current size approximately 325000 records have been issued in the current Bibliography as of January 2015.
Media covered printed books and pamphlets (including Quebec government documents), cartographic materials (maps, atlases), printed music, sound recordings, posters, prints, serials (print, electronic), electronic resources
General selection criteria Includes all material published in Quebec, as well as materials about Quebec or by Quebec creators published elsewhere  
Selection criteria for digital resources Commercially available trade ebooks, Quebec government documents and documents from the parapublic sectors (health, education) are selected. Only monographic or serial publications are included (not integrating resources or web sites). Only resources that are primarily textual or cartographic are included.
Exclusions policies applied Canadian federal government documents are not included even if published in Quebec; also excluded: theses, offprints, brochures, printed items of less than 5 pages, puzzle books, cross-words, sudoku, colouring books, sticker and activity books for children, scrapbooking, and other “consumable” activity books for adults or children
Primary organisation responsible for national bibliographic control Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec, the Bibliography is produced by the Direction du traitement documentaire des collections patrimoniales (DTDCP), within the Direction générale de la Bibliothèque nationale
Web site address of national bibliographic agency

Web site of Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec:http://www.banq.qc.ca/
and page describing the NBA function:


Co-operative structures or  relationships supporting the production of the national bibliography BAnQ is also the ISBN agency for French-language publications in Canada. Agreements with distribution agencies ensure the legal deposit of posters and a portion of the sound recordings
Single integrated or multiple categorised bibliographies There is a single current bibliography for all media, with nine separate sections by media for browsing. The indexes are integrated.
Sources of bibliographic metadata used to produce national bibliography Data is created by a combination of original cataloguing created in-house, completion of CIP records
Relationship to national legal deposit legislation or voluntary deposit arrangements The Quebec publications are received through legal deposit. 2 copies of each publication are deposited, only one copy if the price is between $250 and $5000 CAD. Publications from outside of Quebec are purchased or received through gift and exchange. Online resources are received through specific agreements with the issuing bodies (Quebec government and the parapublic sector). Commercial ebooks are not covered by legal deposit and are received through voluntary deposit agreements.
Relationship to national Cataloguing in Publication (CIP) programme BAnQ is a partner with Library and Archives Canada in the Canadian CIP program. BAnQ manages the CIP for French-language publishers operating in Quebec. These CIP records are included in the national bibliography, as well as being highlighted in a “forthcoming books” listing (produced monthly, consists of a file of new announcements for the current month and a consolidated file of the as-yet-unpublished listings from previous months).
Media & format options HTML for browsing, MARC21 records for individual download through the catalogue, MARC21 record sets made available for Quebec government documents.
Access options to national bibliographic metadata Web catalogue (Iris) and the catalogue of the Service québécois de traitement documentaire (SQTD) for Quebec school and public libraries
Metadata enhancements offered via online services Book cover images and tables of contents are available in the online catalogue for commercial monograph titles also held in the general lending collection; the online catalogue also provides links to digitized images of those resources included in BAnQ’s digitisation programme
Web 2.0 services offered None
Frequency of service updates Monthly with annual cummulation in HTML, continuous updating in the library catalogue, monthly for record sets
Target audiences for services Quebec libraries, bookstores, researchers and general public
Uses made of  services offered advance notification of publications, acquisition/selection, derived cataloguing
Pricing policy for national bibliographic services Available online for free
Availability of metadata for re-use Metadata is available for re-use without restriction
Metadata formats MARC 21
Cataloguing code RDA (as of April 2013), previously ISBD and RCAA2 (AACR2 French translation)
Levels of description offered Full-level records essentially to AACR2 level 3 for most materials; school textbooks and non-commercial publications receive a briefer description
Subject standards Répertoire des vedettes-matière (RVM); DDC; Library of Congress Classification; Cadre de classement des publications gouvernementales du Québec (CCPGQ) for classification of Quebec government documents
Name authority standards In-house name authority file for a French-language catalogue following RDA (as of 2013)
Is NBA affiliated to IFLA SC?


Date information submitted

Updated January 2015

Information supplied by

Pat Riva