Title Slovenska bibliografija (Slovenian bibliography)
Web site address http://sb.nuk.uni-lj.si/
Start date began 1945
Period covered 1500-1900, 1945 to date
Current size about 6000 books a year
Media covered Printed books, periodicals, articles, printed music, sound recordings, cartographic & pictorial collection
General selection criteria In accordance with the nationality principle, which means that publications, issued in Slovenian
territory, as well as works published in Slovenian language, or works written
by Slovenian authors living across national borders, and also works published by publishers in a wider cultural setting, are catalogued.
Criteria for selection of articles included in
Slovenian Bibliography are described in the article Izbor gradiva za Slovensko bibliografijo (The
Selection Criteria for Slovenian Bibliography).
Selection criteria for digital resources Not included
Exclusions policies applied Grey literature, computer
games, ephemera etc.
Primary organisation responsible for national bibliographic control
Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica (National and University Library)
Web site address of national bibliographic agency http://www.nuk.uni-lj.si/
Co-operative structures or relationships supporting the production of the national bibliography National and University Library, Ljubljana (legal deposit,
ISBN, ISSN agencies)
Single integrated or multiple categorised bibliographies
Integrated printed bibliography 1945-1976;
multiple categorised digital bibliography
Sources of bibliographic metadata used to produce national bibliography National and University
Relationship to national legal deposit legislation or voluntary deposit arrangements Material included is received under national legal deposit arrangements. Separate arrangements for
different categories of material.
Relationship to national Cataloguing in Publication (CIP) programme CIP or prepublication records are not included in national bibliographic services.
Media & format options HTML, PDF
Access options to national bibliographic metadata Z39.50
Metadata enhancements offered via online services Not yet
Web 2.0 services offered None
Frequency of service updates Every 3 months
Target audiences for services Academic/public libraries,
Uses made of services offered Relation between
acquisition, selection, derived cataloguing and retrospective conversion
Pricing policy for national bibliographic services Free basis
Availability of metadata for re-use None
Metadata formats ISO690, COMARC, MARC21,
Cataloguing code UNIMARC
Levels of description offered ISBD
Subject standards Local subject headings NUK
Name authority standards GARR, UNIMARC
Is NBA affiliated to IFLA SC? Yes
Date information submitted 8/3/2012
Information supplied by Boris Rifl, Head of
Slovenian National Bibliography