Swedish National Bibliography
Title | The Swedish National Bibliography |
Web site address | https://www.kb.se/om-oss/det-har-gor-vi/nationalbibliografin.html |
Start date | Began 1976 |
Period covered | For monographs 1976 to date, for music prints and maps from 1986, for magazines from 1900 to date. |
Current size | 743 016 (5 August 2019) |
Media covered | Printed books, periodicals, music scores and maps. Some electronic books and periodicals are covered as well. |
General selection criteria | Includes the Swedish national output. Swedish material published around the world is generally included in the SUECANA-database. |
Selection criteria for digital resources |
Digital resources are not included in the general selection criteria for the Swedish National Bibliography (1 December 2017). |
Exclusions policies applied | Ephemera, computer games, audio-visual material, most electronic resources, newspapers and grey literature are excluded. |
Primary organisation responsible for national bibliographic control | Single national library. |
Web site address of national bibliographic agency | https://www.kb.se/in-english.html |
Co-operative structures or relationships supporting the production of the national bibliography | Cooperation with Bokinfo, http://www.bokinfo.se, Sweden’s largest database for the book-trade. |
Single integrated or multiple categorised bibliographies | Audio-visual material is recorded in Svensk mediedatabas, http://smdb.kb.se/ |
Sources of bibliographic metadata used to produce national bibliography | Data is created in-house, but also derived from records of other libraries. The National Bibliography is a part of the Swedish National Union Catalogue – Libris. |
Relationship to national legal deposit legislation or voluntary deposit arrangements | The material included is received by the National Library under national deposit arrangements. We also receive a large amount of commercially available books before publication through an arrangement with Bokinfo (http://www.bokinfo.se), mentioned above. |
Relationship to national Cataloguing in Publication (CIP) programme | No CIP programme exists. |
Media & format options |
The Swedish National Bibliography is accessible in Libris, http://libris.kb.se, the Swedish Union Catalogue. |
Access options to national bibliographic metadata | Web catalogue, Z39.50, SRU, unAPI, Xsearch (supporting MARC-XML, Dublin Core, Json, RIS, MODS and RDF), OpenURL COinS, OAI-PMH harvesting, RSS feed. |
Metadata enhancements offered via online services |
Yes. Book jackets, table of contents, extended search (for example Google Book Search, Google Scholar, LibraryThing) |
Web 2.0 services offered | No |
Frequency of service updates | Daily |
Target audiences for services |
Researchers, academic and public libraries, members of the public, journalists, publishers, literary agents, etc. |
Uses made of services offered | Acqusition/selection, derived cataloguing, statistical enquiries about national output. |
Pricing policy for national bibliographic services | Free basis. |
Availability of metadata for re-use | No restrictions. |
Metadata formats |
MARC 21, MARC-XML, Dublin Core, Json, RIS, MODS and RDF |
Cataloguing code | RDA |
Levels of description offered | ISBD |
Subject standards | DDC and Swedish Subject Headings (SAO). |
Name authority standards | NACO |
Is NBA affiliated to IFLA SC? | Yes |
Date information submitted | 2019-08-05 |
Information supplied by |
Ylva Sommerland |