Users and stakeholders – Book trade
Book Trade (& other media vendors)
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The requirements of booksellers and other members of national book trade supply chains can be similar to those of collection development, acquisition or reference librarians in using national bibliographies to identify:
- Potential new works to order and add to their inventory (e.g. via advance publication data)
- Publishers and distributors capable of supplying the works
- Works of possible interest in response to individual customer queries
- Publication status including old or out-of-print publications for which customers might be referred to libraries
- Metadata elements to enrich their own bibliographic data
Information requirements from the national bibliography
Book trade members may require the following from the national bibliography to perform their functions:
Descriptive metadata requirements (for offline files or printed national bibliographies):
Book trade requirements for display of results or citations are similar to those of collection development librarians wishing to order material from publishersi.e.:
- Complete records
- Address and contact for publisher
- Price
- Availability
- Rights
In order to ensure the currency of the information provided, external links, e.g. to books-in-print or publisher sites, may be useful.
Search requirements (for online national bibliographies):
Search requirements are similar to those of cataloguers and reference librarians (e.g.. known item and subject) and therefore require the same typical access points e.g.:
- Title
- Author
- Standard identifiers (e.g. ISBN, ISSN, ISMN)
- Publication date
- Subject
- Series