IME ICC3 Working groups
Working Group 1 – Personal Names
Harmonisation in order to create a common authority file (can be "virtual," i. e., linked records for the same entity)
Differentiation of names – What to do when it is not possible to differentiate? Do all countries differentiate according to AACR? What are the consequences of using undifferentiated names for the international sharing of records? Etc.?
Working Group 2 – Corporate Bodies
Harmonisation of entities and a list of minimal practical proposals for corporate identity
How do current rules recognise when a corporate body changes/when to make a new authority record for the body? What links are made for earlier/later names of the corporate body?
Working Group 3 – Seriality
Agreement on standards and identification of where the rules do not agree with ISBD(CR) for what changes constitute a new work/expression to justify a new record
Are current codes in alignment with ISBD(CR) and if not, how do they differ and why? Can they be brought together?
Working Group 4 – Uniform Titles/GMDs
Optimize bibliographic sharing and fulfill the principle of identifying all works
The use of contents notes, author/title added entries, and analytic records in current codes to identify individual works/expressions contained in a manifestation – how do they differ and why? What solutions for dealing with whole/part situations are needed to accomplish various user tasks?
Working Group 5 – Multipart Structures
Harmonization of practice and proposals for new approach to GMDs for collocation at the level of form of expression and/or physical format
GMDs are now a mix of terms for mode of expression and format of the manifestation. Can we clarify the purpose of the GMD and offer suggestions of where such information properly belongs in a bibliographic record? Is some of the information now conveyed in the GMD more properly part of a uniform title for the work/expression and others more properly part of the physical description area (ISBD area 5)? Is there agreement on when to make a uniform title and its collocating and/or identifying purpose? Is there consistency on its structure?