Impact of Recently Approved IFLA Standards (WLIC 2018)
The Committee on Standard’s open session for WLIC 2018 was called The Impact of Recently Approved IFLA Standards, session 74, held on Saturday August 25th.
The presentation slides are included here. The full papers are in the IFLA Library and links are also included.
The programme was divided into three sections or themes, with two papers for each theme:
1. Impact of IFLA bibliographic standards
- FRBROO, IFLA LRM (Library Reference Model) and now LRMOO: a circle of development (Pat Riva and Maja Žumer)
[paper] | [presentation] - A model to link them all: IFLA LRM as a driver for harmonization of cataloguing standards related to serials and other continuing resources (Clément Oury and Gordon Dunsire)
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2. Impact of IFLA guidelines
- Impact of the IFLA Guidelines for Library Services to Persons with Dyslexia: good practices and two examples of impact from Denmark and Sweden (Heidi Carlsson-Asplund, Marie Engberg Eiriksson and Helle Arendrup Mortensen)
[paper] | [presentation] - Use and impact of the Guidelines for Parliamentary Research Services (Lillian Gassie)
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3. Issues that challenge our thinking about standards development
- A tale of two standards: recent developments in standardisation and their impact on MulDiCat and Best Practice for National Bibliographies (Mathilde Koskas and Mélanie Roche)
[paper] | [presentation] - Mutual influence among IFLA standards: the ICP case (Elena Escolano Rodriguez, Agnese Galeffi, Dorothy McGarry)
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