Summary of the 2016-7 Activities

1. Provide advocacy and advancement for all information professionals to increase their understanding of the value of KM to their organizations.

  • 1.1. Plan an open session for the Wrocław, Poland (2017) Conference dealing with appropriate topics and themes, promoting
    the participation from different regions and environments [theme of the open session: “How does knowledgemanagement inform change agency? Exploration of communication and training, establishing solidarity with those affected by change, and case studies on adoption of innovation in the library, workplace, academe, and society.”]. Completed
  • 1.2 Execute the Wrocław Conference program (2017) to focus “The Voice of Global KM.” Completed
  • 1.3. Work with other IFLA Sections (Academic and Research Library Section, Library and Research Services for Parliaments and Continuous Professional Development and Workplace Learning) in the planning and execution of a program (a knowledge café) for the Wrocław Conference (2017). Completed
  • 1.4. Plan and execute a one-day satellite pre-conference in Wrocław or Warszawawith relevant KM topics, with the theme “New directions in Knowledge Management.” Completed
  • 1.5. Plan for the IFLA Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Conference (2018). Open session and Satellite meeting. In progress

2. Share and distribute information about KM and its development and practical
implementation to all IFLA members and continue the promotion of the KM Section as “The voice of global KM”, following the indications of the KM communication plan.

  • 2.1 Gather and exchange information about Section’s activities using the features of the IFLA website to make it an effective, timely updated and clear repository of IFLA activities on KM. Ongoing
  • 2.2 Use all types of web-based communication, social media and
    technology (blogs, social platforms) to encourage participation by the membership and other librarians interested in KM – Enrich and implement on a regular basis the KM wiki, created as a pilot project, as an adjunct to the IFLA KM website, in support of the section, the profession, and IFLA at large, avoiding duplication and providing content not available on the IFLA KM site. ​Ongoing
  • 2.3. Publish a newsletter, including sections in the IFLA languages, to promote education and training programs, surface KM related articles and other news. Develop an effective marketing and branding strategy to increase the membership and its diverse global representations in the Section and to demonstrate the value and relevance of KM and the KM Section to other units of IFLA and other professional associations. Completed
    2.3.1. Promote and spread the IFLA KM Section brochures prepared in the IFLA official languages
    2.3.2. Publish the newsletter as two issues per year, one pre-conference and one post-conference, and use the newsletter as a vehicle for the cumulative record ofthe KM Section, directing readers to IFLA and Section sites and resources as appropriate.
    2.3.3. Participate in other IFLA sections’ programs to add the perspective of “The Voice of Global KM” (see activities 1.3)
  • 2.4. Define the role of KM and the KM Section in the context of the presidential theme each year, i.e. the 2015-2017 presidential theme " Libraries: A Call to Action ", and share the Section definitions and think pieces in as many ways as possible with the IFLA community as well as the larger library and information community. (Included as part of Activities 1.1 and 3.2)
  • 2.5. Use the IFLA Knowledge Management Wiki ( as an advocacy tool on how to make the case for KM in an organization, personalizing KM topics for geographical regions, with discussion based on the broad terms that describe KM (Included as part of Activity 2.2) ​In progress

3. Advocate and promote international social networking services (SRS) for the members of the KM section as well as the IFLA community at large.

  • 3.1. Encourage a diversity of gender, nationality, languages and professional backgrounds in the KM Section membership
  • 3.2 Enhance Section communication among members using all available social networking tools and channels, such as KM
    on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, including regional social networking services (see also the Communication
    activities for all the activities) ​Ongoing
  • 3.3. Showcase best practices of using social networking services for KM purposes in library and information sector services. ​Ongoing

4. Promote best practice on using applicable KM theories and tools in library and information service operational management, such process management, performance measurement and organizational change management.

  • 4.1. Showcase best practices of applicable KM theories and tools in library and information service management by integrating above goal as one of the subthemes for the Wrocław (or Warszawa)
    satellite and main conference programs. Completed
  • 4.2. Identify and promote standards and guidelines for KM in libraries Completed for 2016-7
  • 4.3. Identify and promote regional activities such as speakers sessions and KM conferences. Ongoing
  • 4.4. Promote the volume, issued in December 2015, on the theme“Knowledge  management in libraries and organizations: theory, techniques and case studies” containing reviewed papers from KM Section satellite meetings, conference sessions and others from diverse regions and sectors, with attention to the public library sector.

Read the full reportKM Annual Report 2017 (PDF)