Access to Genealogical Data: Data Protection Versus Unlocking the Records
World Library and Information Congress:
10-14 August 2008, Quebec, Canada
Papers Presented at the Open Session
Genealogy and Local History Section (in collaboration with Free Access to Information and Freedom of Expression Committee)
- Serving the Genealogical and Historical Research Communities: An Overview of Records Access and Data Privacy Issues
/ Au service des généalogistes et des historiens: questions de l’accès à la documentation vis-à-vis la confidentialité des données personnelles
Wayne J. Metcalfe and Melvin P. Thatcher
Genealogical Society of Utah/FamilySearch
Salt Lake City, U.S.A. - What a Pistarckle!: Access to Caribbean Records for Family History Research / Quel cauchemar! L’accès à la documentation aux fins de la recherche généalogique aux Caraïbes
Susan Laura Lugo
Caribbean Genealogy Library
St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, U.S.A. - Protection des personnes et exigences scientifiques : les enjeux de la réforme sur l’accès aux archives en France /
Protection of individuals versus the needs of research:
what is at stake in the reform of archival access in
Philippe Columb
Bibliothèque Cujas
Paris, France - The Release of Canada’s Historic Census / La diffusion du recensement historique du Canada>
Lorna Milne, Senator
The Parliament of Canada
Ottawa, Canada