Case studies demonstrating the use of statistics
At the Section meeting in Berlin in 2003 we agreed to compile a bibliography of case studies which demonstrate how libraries have utilised statistics and evaluation to improve the management of libraries.
The great majority of these works deal with individual libraries, and they have been grouped first, into type of library, second, into reverse chronological order. Only works published in the last twenty years have been included.
The Statistics and Evaluation Section invites everyone to contribute other publications to this list. Contact the chair or secretary, please.
Michael Heaney
I.Public libraries
H. Weiss, "Tracking usage patterns" Library Association Record, 102.8 (Aug 2000), 448-449
[Southwark Council in London]
L. Van Tilburg, Mark van de Plasse "Met cijfers kun je signalen van klanten beter plaatsen", BibliotheekBlad, 4.13 (30 Jun 2000), 22-23.
[Vlissingen Public Library]
D.D. Mancini, "Mining your automated system for systemwide decision making", Library Administration and Management, 10.1 (Winter
1996), 11-15
[DeKalb County Public Library, Georgia, USA]
R. Alston, "From Rationale to Results: Implementing Performance Indicators in a Public Library", in Proceedings of the 1st Northumbria International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries and Information Services, 1995. (Newcastle upon Tyne: Information North, 1995), 207-214. ISBN 0 906433 22 3
[Essex County Library]
P.M. Clark, "A viable MIS: DeKalb County Public Library", The Bottom Line, 7.1 (Summer 1993), 30-31.
II. University/college libraries
L.McGill, "Measure for measure: using statistics to monitor service take up of the University of Leicester Library’s Distance Learning Unit", Library and Information Research News, 26.82 (Spring 2002), 16-25.
R. Cheng, S. Bischof, A.J. Nathanson, "Data collection for user oriented library services: Wesleyan University Library’s experience",
OCLC Systems and Services, 18.4 (2002), 195-204.
J. Shaw-Kokot, C. de la Varre, "Using a journal availability study to improve access", Bulletin of the Medical Library Association, 89.1 (Jan 2001), 21-28.
[North Carolina University at Chapel Hill’s Health Sciences Library]
M. Bannister, "From Research to Practice", in Proceedings of the 3rd Northumbria International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries and Information Services, 1999. (Newcastle upon Tyne: Information North, 2000), 69-74. ISBN 0 906433 35 5
[Charles Sturt University Library]
J.H. Dixon, "Library management statistics from an integrated library system (ILS)", Acquisitions Librarian 24 (2000), 41-46.
[Florida’s College Center for Library Automation]
J. Kibbee, J. Ward, "The Impact of System Migration on Users: Assessing and Addressing Reactions to a New Public Access Catalogue" in Proceedings of the 3rd Northumbria International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries and Information Services, 1999. (Newcastle upon Tyne: Information North, 2000), 87-90. ISBN 0 906433 35 5
[University of Illinois Library]
A. Kraemer, M. Markwith, "Integrating vendor supplied management reports for serials evaluation: the Medical College of Wisconsin experience" Acquisitions Librarian 24 (2000), 65-73.
T.L. Oparanozie, "Instant access to fund accounting information: advice for selectors and acquisitions librarians", Acquisitions Librarian, 24 (2000), 75-88.
[Newton Gresham Library, Sam Houston State University, Texas]
J. Schmidt, J, Croud, "The University of Queensland Library: a Case Study in Building a Culture of Continuous Improvement", in Proceedings of the 3rd Northumbria International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries and Information Services, 1999. (Newcastle upon Tyne: Information North, 2000), 119-124. ISBN 0 906433 35 5
J. Stephen Town, "Benchmarking: Strife, Theft or Communion?", inProceedings of the 3rd Northumbria International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries and Information Services, 1999. (Newcastle upon Tyne: Information North, 2000), 53-60. ISBN 0 906433 35 5
[Cranfield University]
J. Webb and L. Galloway, "The Voice of the Process: Process Management and Performance Measurement of Collection Development Activities in a New University Library", in Proceedings of the 3rdNorthumbria International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries and Information Services, 1999. (Newcastle upon Tyne: Information North, 2000), 125-130. ISBN 0 906433 35 5
[De Montfort University Library]
A. Martin, "Setting Standards for Enquiry Desk Operations: A Case Study", in Proceedings of the 2nd
Northumbria International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries and Information Services, 1997. (Newcastle upon Tyne: Information North, 1998), 165-172. ISBN 0 906433 30 4
[Nene College of Higher Education, UK]
S. Savage, J. Janes, "Developing meaningful statistics", Serials Librarian, 34.3-4 (1998), 367-377.
[Wayne State University Libraries, Michigan]
J.A. Gill, "Serials financial management reports: application of spreadsheet software for internal control of serials financial planning", Serials Review, 23.3 (Fall 1997), 48-63
[City College Library, City University of New York]
P. Hyland, L. Wright, "Using statistics for database management in an academic library" Australian Academic and Research Libraries, 27.3
( Sep 1996), 169-81
[Wollongong University Library]
M.J. Moore, "An ocean of data bits: statistics on the MELVYL system", DLA Bulletin, 14.1 (Spring 1994), 18-27.
[Universities of California]
B. Brown, "Triage assessment and management measures for access services" Collection Management. 17.1-2 (1992), 217-235.
[Montana University, Mansfield Library]
A.S.C. Hooper, "The use of technology for better management decision making in a university library", IATUL Proceedings (New Series),
1 (1992), 66-71
[University of Cape Town Libraries]
P. Philip, J.M. Willers, "Using management information in a polytechnic library", Journal of Librarianship, 21.1 (Jan 1989), 19-35
[City of London Polytechnic Library]
C.P. Hawks, "The GEAC Acquisitions System as a source of management information" Library Acquisitions: Practice and Theory, 10.4 (1986), 245-253.
[University of Houston at University Park Libraries]
III. Other libraries
S. Madkour, "Performance Evaluation and its Impact on Information Services in Science and Technology Information Centre (SCITIC)", in Proceedings of the 3rd Northumbria International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries and Information Services, 1999. (Newcastle upon Tyne: Information North, 2000), XX-XX. ISBN 0 906433 35 5
[SCITIC, Cairo]
N. Sutherland, S. Wanat, "Marshaling statistics: enhancing interlibrary loan service with OCLC management software", Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery and Information Supply, 11.1 (2000), 87-98.
[Unspecified library]
D. Camille, S. Chadha, R.A. Lyders, "The Houston Academy of Medicine Texas Medical Center Library management information system", Bulletin of the Medical Library Association, 81.4 (Oct 1993), 371-376.
R.A. Adams, "A system to improve the availability of information for library managers", in P. Burton (ed), MS DOS software for library and information applications, (Aldershot: Gower, 1990), 123-135.
[Unspecified library]
M. S. Klein, "Adapting IAIMS to a hospital library level", Bulletin of the Medical Library Association, 77.4 (Oct 1989), 357-365.
[Children’s Hospital of Michigan Medical Library]
IV. General
S. Beck, "The Extent and Variety of Data-Informed Decisions at Academic Libraries: An Analysis of Nine Libraries of the Association of Research Libraries in the USA and Canada" in Proceedings of the 5th Northumbria International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries and Information Services, 2003. (Newcastle upon Tyne: Information North, 2004). [forthcoming]
[Various libraries]
E.E. Rokitskaya, "Deyatel’nost’ organizatsii kak ob’ekt informatsionnogo upravleniya", Nauchno-Tekhnicheskaya Informatsiya: Seriya 1, 2 (2002), 19-28.
[Various libraries]
M. Kingsley, "Evaluating approval plans and other methods of book selection through system management reports", Acquisitions Librarian, 24 (2000), 57-64.
[Various libraries]
C.D. Fiore, "The numbers game: how to fatten your budget by using statistics", School Library Journal, 44.3 (Mar 1998), 104-106.
[Various American school libraries]
M.L. Smith, "Using statistics to increase public library budgets", The Bottom Line, 9.3 (1996), 4-13.
[Various libraries]
The use of management data in public and academic libraries: Four case studies. British National Bibliography Research Fund Report 73 (1995), 145 pp. ISBN 1873671 08 3.
[East Sussex, London Borough of Bromley, Sussex University and Northumbria University]
K.C. Lance, K. Sherlock, "Use of statistics in management decisions", in Proceedings of the Allerton Park Institute, Robert Allerton Park, Monticello, Illinois, 27-29 October 1991. (Urbana-Champaign: Illinois University at Urbana Champaign, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, 1992), 40-51.
[Various libraries]