IFLA Statistics & Evaluation Satellite Meeting

  • Location: Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands
  • Time: Thursday – Friday, 17-18 August 2023
  • Resources: presentations

The Satellite Meeting aims to promote an approachable and contextual understanding of statistics and evaluation and to foster knowledge building in the field for both novice and experienced practitioners. During the meeting, sessions will focus on statistical collection and evaluation methods in various library settings. The sessions will highlight the best methods to meet the needs of the organization’s collections, spaces, programs, resources, and other relevant factors for informed decision-making and effective advocacy.

Impact Assessment: A Slice of Current Practice

  • Location: Congress Programme
  • Time: Tuesday 22 August, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM

The Metropolitan Libraries Section and the Statistics and Evaluation Section have jointly identified persons responsible for impact assessment at multiple Metropolitan and National libraries throughout Europe, North America, Asia, the Caribbean, and Australia. We are in the process of gathering responses from these persons to a series of questions about the program areas for which they are conducting impact assessment, their methodologies, barriers, and successes. The program will present the findings of this study. The aim of the program will be to share successful methodologies for impact assessment and to suggest those SDG’s and program areas being addressed.

Communicating Impact and Value in Libraries

  • Location: Congress Programme
  • Time: Thursday 24 August, 10:00 AM – 11:15 AM

All libraries are interested in demonstrating their impact on their communities and their value to their stakeholders. Library statistics and evaluations inherently include a variety of ways to determine value and impact. However, it is important that the measures and communication of impact and value resonate with the intended audiences. This program will demonstrate how public, academic, and national libraries can effectively determine and communicate their value and impact using relevant, new approaches and innovative tools. Speakers will share their knowledge, experience, and success stories.


The 87th IFLA World Library and Information Congress was held in person, from 26 to 29 July 2022, in Dublin, Ireland.

Session 048 SC Meeting Statistics and Evaluation Section

Location: Wicklow Meeting Room 1

Time: Monday, July 25, 16:00 – 18:00 (IST)

Session 097 The State of Outcome/Impact Measurement in Metropolitan, National, and Academic Libraries

Location: Liffey B

Organizer: Metropolitan Libraries Section, Statistics and Evaluation Section

Time: Wednesday, July 27, 10:00 – 11:00 (IST)

The purpose of the program is to suggest the extent of outcome measurement in larger libraries, methodologies used, types of programs or services assessed, short-term outcomes and broader or longer-term impact, and use of findings.

Attendees will receive information on diverse approaches to outcome measurement and contact information to follow up for further information.

Session 154 Providing, Communicating and Assessing the Value of Research Support Services in Libraries

Location: Liffey Hall 2

Organizer: Statistics and Evaluation Section

Time: Thursday, July 28, 14:45 – 16:00

The session is designed to explore a variety of programs and services to support and enhance research in libraries, emphasizing those that have demonstrated “value” or responsiveness to the specific needs of their community (public, academic, research, or special). The session will also focus on the specific assessment methods and activities that can be used to successfully measure the impact or value of research support activities and showcase examples of instances where the value of the programs has been analyzed and communicated.


IFLA WLIC Satellite Meeting
22-23 August 2019, University of Piraeus, Piraeus, Greece
ThemeMore than numbers: Implementing new assessment methods for libraries

World Library and Information Congress: 85th IFLA General Conference and Assembly
24-30 August, Athens, Greece

28 August 2019, Session 273
ThemeAssessment and Data Visualisation for Librarians


World Library and Information Congress: 83nd IFLA General Conference and Assembly
24-30 August 2018, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

25 August 2018, Session 073
ThemeFrom Data to Advocacy: Using Digital Tools Like the IFLA Library Map of the World to Communicate Your Library Stories 

Recordings on YouTube  and on the WLIC 2018 website


World Library and Information Congress: 82nd IFLA General Conference and Assembly
13-19 August 2016, Columbus, Ohio, USA
Theme: Evaluating our worth: how can we quantify the value of libraries and information centers? – Statistics and Evaluation


World Library and Information Congress: 81st IFLA General Conference and Assembly
August 17-23, Cape Town, South Africa
(Library Theory and Research with Statistics and Evaluation Sections)
Theme: Measuring the Impact of Access to Information and Development


World Library and Information Congress: 80th IFLA General Conference and Assembly
16-22 August, Lyon, France
Statistics and Evaluation Section with E-Metrics Special Interest Group)
Theme: Telling the Library Story: creating metrics for management, advocacy and community building


World Library and Information Congress: 79th IFLA General Conference and Assembly
17-23 August, Singapore
(Statistics and Evaluation with Education and Training Sections)
Theme: Bring out the fun of it! New ways of teaching and communicating statistics


IFLA WLIC Satellite Pre-Conference “Library’s Efficiency, Impact and Outcomes” in Turku, Finland
Theme: The use of statistics and assessment for libraries at a turning point

World Library and Information Congress: 78th IFLA General Conference and Assembly
11-17 August, Helsinki, Finland
ThemeCrisis? What crisis? The use of statistics and data for libraries at a turning point


Satellite Meeting: Universidad Nacional de La Plata, La Plata, Argentina
27 y 28 de junio de 2011
Theme: Segundo Taller de Indicadores de Evaluación de Bibliotecas

World Library and Information Congress: 77th IFLA General Conference and Assembly
13-18 August, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Theme: Data Collection in the Service of Libraries


World Library and Information Congress: 76th IFLA General Conference and Assembly
10-15 August, Gothenburg, Sweden
Theme: The use of statistics for promoting sustainable progress


Libraries Plus: Adding Value in the Cultural Community
Florence, 17-20 August 2009
8th Northumbria International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries and Information Services (PM8)

World Library and Information Congress: 75th IFLA General Conference and Assembly
23-27 August 2009, Milan, Italy
Theme: Statistics on the agenda


IFLA’s Satellite Meeting in Montréal
Library Statistics for the 21st Century World
August 18 and 19, 2008 – Concordia University

Congrès satellite de l’IFLA à Montréal
Statistiques de bibliothèques au 21e siècle
Université Concordia

World Library and Information Congress: 75th IFLA General Conference and Assembly
August 2008, Québec, Canada


World Library and Information Congress: 74th IFLA General Conference and Assembly
10-15 August, Durban, South Africa
Theme: Developing a new assessment model for the new millennium: is the South African experience extensible?


World Library and Information Congress: 70th IFLA General Conference and Assembly
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Take it to the limit: using statistics to optimise the use of public libraries
The joint-conference with Public Libraries