A corto di libri, 8th AIB/IFLA International Short Film Contest about libraries. The winners!
19 May 2016
On May 15, at the International Book Fair in Turin (Italy), the winners of A corto di libri, 8th AIB/IFLA International Short Film Contest about libraries were announced and awarded.
The winners are:
Metropolitan Libraries category
Stadtbibliothek Bremen: 111 years and so much to enjoy
(Stadtbibliothek Bremen, Germany)
Watch a videomessage by Barbara Lison, director of the Stadtbibliothek Bremen
Advertising Section
Spot Biblioteca Luigi Chiarini
(Stefano Landini, Viola Negri; Biblioteca Luigi Chiarini, Centro sperimentale di cinematografia; Italy)
Documentary Section
Skaparbibblan/Maker library
(Thomas Claesson, Lo Claesson, Vaggeryd Public Library, Sweden)
Fiction Section
The Library
(Jason LaMotte, United Kingdom)
Watch a videomessage by Jason LaMotte
Grand prize (best of the section winners)
The Library
(Jason LaMotte, United Kingdom)
29 short films participated. The entries for the Metropolitan Libraries category were seven:
- Ens agraden les lectors / We like readers (Spain)
- Una giornata straordinaria (Borsari, Rapponi, Neri, Biblioteca Sormani, Milano, Italy)
- Il popolo dei libri (Francesca Nota, Aosta; Biblioteca Ginzburg, Torino, Italy)
- Kniha Zivota / Book of life (Municipal Library of Prague, Czech Republic)
- Let’s meet the musical instruments (M. Sikic, M. Osmanovic, Croatia)
- Rendez Vous (OfficinAdolescenti, Marina Cesari; Bologna, Italy)
- Stadtbibliothek Bremen: 111 years and so much to enjoy (Stadtbibliothek Bremen, Germany)
The jury was composed by:
- Fabio Melelli, chair (film critic)
- Corrado Di Tillio (Standing Committee Chair of the IFLA Section on Metropolitan Libraries)
- Marian Morgan-Bindon (Standing Committee Chair of the IFLA Section on Public Libraries)
- Giovanna Pietrini (Chair of the Umbria Section of AIB)
- Antonella Pinna (Regione Umbria, library services)
- Elisabetta Proietti (journalist)
- Siobhan Reardon (Standing Committee Secretary of the IFLA Section on Metropolitan Libraries)
All the short films are available on the YouTube channel acortodilibri
Fabio Melelli, Lo Claesson, Gabriele De Veris (photo: Corrado Di Tillio)