A Feast of Ideas: IFLA President’s Meeting 2018
23 February 2018
With an impressive programme and an array of expert speakers, The IFLA President’s Meeting 2018 promises to challenge, inform and stimulate participants!
Preparations are already well advanced for the IFLA President’s Meeting 2018. This is a key moment in the library year to think strategically about our field. To do this, it is vital to take a step back, and to look at the trends, the environment, in which libraries work today.
To do this, we have an impressive cast of speakers with a wealth of experience, who will challenge, inform, and most importantly stimulate participants in our joint efforts to define a Global Vision.
To start us on our way, IFLA is honoured to welcome Mercè Conesa i Pagès, President of the Barcelona regional council, who will place the work of libraries in the context of her efforts to promote sustainable development.
Our keynote speaker, Professor Rafael Ramirez, will then draw on his work with business and academia to share insights on how we can build scenarios for the future, and use these to plan our own action.
Three excellent panels will follow, sharing the latest lessons on building support, partnerships, and networks in a fast-changing society. Iskra Mihaylova MEP (Chair of the Regional Development Committee of the European Parliament), will share her perspectives on building successful policies, followed by Cassie Robinson (doteveryone) who will focus on the potential of the social economy and social finance.
Matt Finch (library storyteller) will explore the techniques and tools used to build partnerships, while Roger Baig Viñas (guifi.net) will share the practical experience of how such partnerships made it possible to set up an independent community-based Internet network.
Glyn Moody (author and journalist) will share his reflections on the impact of a networked society on the way information is used and shared, while Toby Green (Head of Publishing at the OECD) will give an example of how, through working together, smaller institutions can be successful in a digital world.
And to end the day, we will be launching the Global Vision Report, the climax of a year of unparalleled discussion and reflection within the library community.
The IFLA President’s Meeting will not just be food for thought, but a feast of ideas.
Click here to find out how to register and book tickets.